How to draw a tank in stages

How to draw a tank in stages

Many boys from early childhood love to draw pictures on military topics - soldiers, airplanes, helicopters, guns, armored personnel carriers. The most popular drawing in children is a tank, but this car is considered complex in the image, so it is better to draw it in gradually and with the help of an adult.

How to draw a pencil tank in stages

This picture is drawn quite simply, you just need to follow the instructions:

  • in the middle of the sheet, spend a horizontal segment equal to the size of your tank. Build an equally feasible trapezium, taking the first line for the base;

  • lower down from the resulting quadrilateral two inclined beam inside. Connect them as in the diagram and get the lower part of the case;

  • on top of a smaller figure, attagust a rectangle, making it the right side by convex. Note above it, shifting a little left, an equilateral trapezium is a tank tower;

  • from the left side of the tower depicting the wrong quadrangle. From it up and to the side, spend two parallel straight lines - the future trunk, at the end of which, draw a square ejector - a device for purging the exhaust opening from powder gases;

  • duplicate the internal rim of the tank, making a tracked track. Draw in it three large circles in the middle and as many small - one in the upper left corner and two in the right lower. Between large wheels, depict the pyramids that will connect the tracked ribbon together;

  • with minor trifles - teeth, circles, rectangles, give the caterpillar to the plausible look. Make a bulk blow, handling the parts carefully, and the tower, the hatch, the case, highlight the bold lines, and the tank will look like a real one.

How to draw a cartoon tank in stages

Little children can draw tank independently if you use only large parts when creating a picture and do not use small. It will take: album leaf, pencil, eraser.

  • Draw a rectangle on a sheet of paper and divide it into three squares. Leave the square in the middle as it is, and from the side - make triangles with rounded base.
  • At the released figure, reminiscent of the boat, round the two top corners so that the oval turned out. Return from it inside 1 cm and swipe a parallel closed line.
  • Draw in a caterpillar four small wheels with small circles in the middle.
  • On top of the workpiece, stepper armor and dome in the form of two quadrangles with cut right upper corners.
  • Position on the right side a cannon similar to the inclined chimney.

Color the tank with paints or gouache, draw a five-pointed star and drawing ready.

How to draw paint paints

A more complicated option, as the drawing of small parts is going, and the picture is performed by paints.

  • Draw a long and flat ellipse. From above, with gaps of 0.5 cm, depict two trapezoids - one long, other high.

  • The lower figure fill in the circles, on the middle - draw a rectangular tank and double the tracks of the caterpillars.

  • On the left, take the gun leaving from an oval base. Drive the caterpillars of the tank with double circles, it will give the volume with the whole figure.

  • Bread the covers on the machine housing, on the box - cables, on the tower - viewing devices, and in front of the tank - flashlight.

Perform a tank in green, and star - highlight red.

Now you know how to draw a tank in different ways. So practice simple models and after a while you will not only be able to portray the tank with a lot of parts, but also perform a drawing in hatching or watercolor.

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