How to make plasticine animals

How to make plasticine animals

What are the toddles begin to teach the kids before all on creative circles and in kindergartens? Right, laying from plasticine. This process of children can be captivated for a long time, because they like it so much in their small handms to knead this malleable and soft material. If your child for some reason has remained at home for some reason, and on the street there is a bad weather, then plasticine can brighten his leisure. Believe me, your company does not hurt him, try to blind animals from plasticine with your tea. Do not come interesting ideas in the head? Not trouble, we will show some interesting MK on laying from plasticine.

Lion from plasticine

  • You need to roll one big ball and the second smaller - for the head. Make pillows for paws from twelve tiny yellow balls. Still ride a large orange ball for the mane and the second small, which is needed for the tails tassel. Take the long tail from the yellow roller, and two small rollers of the same eyebrows. Little yellow ball roll for ears, eyes from black and white plasticine, a nose of a small brown ball.
  • Give the head shape of the egg, in the depths of the eye you need to be survived from two sides.
  • Find white balls by giving them a almond shape. Rolled black balls in thin rollers, attach them vertically to white. Split the ball for the nose, make a triangle from it, squeeze on both sides. Brows bend and poison.
  • Attach the nose, eyebrows and eyes to the head. On the muzzle, do shorts: a short vertical under your nose, under it two semicircular to the right and left, for the mustache, score holes with toothpick.
  • Roll the yellow ball for the body, on the two sides to supervise it.
  • Unlock for the mane a large orange ball, on the one hand, poison, shift the hole in the middle, make the rays.
  • Now you need to insert a lion's head into the hole in the mane.
  • Unlock the yellow ball, designed for the ears, then cut down in half.
  • Round out the outdoors of the body, of which form the rollers that should become legs. Shot with a tissue brushes cone. Make notches, toothpicks Produce a hole for the tail.
  • Attach the tail to the torso, to confuse the head in the neck area, insert a piece of toothpicks. Attach the pillows to the paws, do shorts on them in the middle. Tear your ears and attach my head to the torso.

Plasticine lamb

  • Download six balls from black plasticine: four small for legs, medium for head, large for the body. You also need small pink and black balls for ears and tail. White ball. Cook for wool curls, green and black balls for eyes, white and black - for wool on hips and hoofs.
  • Take the roller from the ball for the head, it should be wider on one side, and on the other - already. From a large ball for the torso, make a shape resembling an egg.
  • From two sides, squeeze your head.
  • Make a deepening in the green balls of the handle, insert the black balls in them.
  • Now you need to roll a lot of thin rollers from a large white ball, then twist them in a spiral to get a kind of wool for a sheep.
  • We will sell the nostrils on the head of the handle on the head, on the face, do shorts - nostrils connect, then ride the mouth and connect all vertical cut.
  • Pink and black balls, designed for the ears, you need to roll in cones, then flatten them, glue and compress.
  • In the deepening insert your eyes, glue my ears to your head and attach one spiral from above.
  • Roll into the rollers of the black balls for the legs, then you need to break them out to roll into the toothpicks. Make it so that their tips stick out a little bit. On the two parts divide the balls: the first roll in a thin roller, with the second roll the ball.
  • Thorcishes plunder tightly by spirals.
  • Shot a pyramid from a black ball, it will be a tail, attach it to the body. Then put the torso to your feet and attach your head to it.

  • We also collected the most interesting MK of animal modeling in pictures. They are easy to perform, so with your help the child will be able to blind them with their handms.

We hope now you can take your child in your free time useful, but very interesting things. Do not stand on the sidelines, sculpt along with your chance, so you will be closer to each other. Believe me, it will be fun not only to the child, but also you too.

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