What is Omonimi

What is Omonimi

Many people are confused when it comes to such categories of words like antonyms, paronyms and homonyms, because the Russian language is quite complicated, and it is not so easy to understand, as it seems at first glance. In this article we will deal with what is the homonyms and what they happen.

What is homonyms: their types

Omonimi - these are words, writing and the sound of which coincides, but the values \u200b\u200bare fundamentally different. For example:

  • schedule (any plan) and schedule (artist)
  • to force (forcibly forced to something) and make (put any items)

Full homonyms

These are words that are one part of speech and completely coincide on sound and writing. For example:

  • outfit (clothing) and outfit (group of soldiers)
  • sheet (birch) and leaf (paper)

Incomplete (partial) homonyms

Incomplete homonyms can be divided into three categories: Omographs, Omoforms.

  • Omographs differ not only by the value, but also sounding. Flour (used in cooking) and flour (mental torment).
  • Omophones coincide the sound, but vary by writing and meaning. For example, the fruit (wood) and raft (boat), code (symbol set) and cat (animal).
  • Ompforms are such homonyms in which only some forms of words are coincided. For example, a furnace (noun) and a furnace (uncertain verb shape), leak (noun) and leak (uncertain verb shape)

The easiest is the understanding of the categories of homonyms when studying them on visual and simple life examples. It will be enough to remember for one example from each category, and then you will not only do not forget what kind of homonyms are, but even you can even distinguish omographs, mistons and omophorms from each other.

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