What is abscissa

What is abscissa

The abscissa is a common term in mathematics, which many people do not understand. The concept of abscissa will help in understanding many mathematical tasks. The topic of this article is devoted to it.

What is abscissa

Before understanding what is abscissa, you need to learn about the essence of a few more terms, namely:

  • Rectangular coordinate system. The rectangular coordinate system is a system where there are only two directions. Such a system is usually called two-dimensional. One direction in the form of a horizontal direct and indicated by the letter x., second direction - vertical straight, which is indicated by the letter y.. The place of intersection of two these directions is called the beginning of the coordinates. The coordinate report begins with this point. Those values \u200b\u200bof horizontal direct, which are right from the origin of the coordinates are positive. Those that are left-negative. Accordingly, those values \u200b\u200bof y direct, which are above the beginning of the coordinates - are positive, and those that are lower are negative.
  • Ordinate. The coordinate of any point that corresponds to the axis y. (in the coordinate system), called ordinary.

Based on the last condition, you can easily guess that if the ordinate is the coordinate on the axis y.which corresponds to any point, then the abscissa is called the coordinate of the same point, but which is located on the axis x..


Point A is given with coordinates (4; 6). What is there abscissa, and what ordinate?

Remember that when the coordinates of some point are written, then the coordinates on the axis are indicated in the first place. x., and on the second - axis y.. Thus, the abscissa of points A is equal to 4, and the ordinate is equal to 6.

Now you know what an abscissa is and can, without thinking, to delve into the meaning of the task at the sight of this word. It is good to explore this topic, because the coordinates are used in many areas - ranging from mathematics and ending with programming.

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