What is a journalistic style

What is a journalistic style

Publicistic style of speech is a special manner of presentation, the main task of which is the maximum impact on the audience. In the journalistic style, leading news and radio speakers are addressed to us, articles are created for print media, spectacular and judicial speeches. In other words, all reports, notes, interviews, reports, speeches of the participants of the judicial processes are examples of this informative and estimated speech style.

First of all, journalism is designed to inform the viewer, the listener, the reader the current information. In addition, through journalism, a certain effect on the masses is carried out: the facts formed in one way or another can cause people the necessary reaction and the necessary reflections.

If we consider the note and feuilleton, you will probably notice the difference in these publicistic genres. Recall that a note is a short, strictly informative message. Faken is a satire, ridiculous vices of modernity. Where does this difference between the genres of one style? Undoubtedly, Faketon, and a note is publicism. The difference between the genres of this style is due to the combination of the information function and the function of influence in one text. To report information and for the impact of the public, various language instruments are used, and with the same orientation, genres are not similar to each other.


The peculiarities of the genres of journalism are: logicality, connectedness, completeness, structurality, evaluation. Agree, without having a clear structure of your message, its logicality and the completeness of thought, report specific information and cause the reaction from the listener will not be easy. Most of the genres of journalism realize the function of influence through emotionally painted, expressive vocabulary, metaphoricity, imagery, evaluation.

Correctly using journalistic style tools, it is possible with the help of a word not only to inform the audience, but also to educate the opinion about specific realities in people.

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