How to determine the declination of nouns names

How to determine the declination of nouns names

Each educated person studied Russian in school years, in particular, various rules of spelling and punctuation. This knowledge make us competent people. They are needed to us, both in school years and in adulthood, because they often have to write various statements, fill out all the documents. One of the Russian rules is to determine the decline in nouns. In this article we will remind how to determine them.

We define the name of the noun

To determine the decline, we need to know the name of the noun. In Russian, there are only three of them:

  1. women
  2. male
  3. average

It is easy to determine the genus of nouns:

  • First, we put our word into the nominative case. He is the first of the 6 existing and answers questions "Who?" and what?".
  • Now the noun itself is coordinated to consume with the pronouns "mine", "mine", "mine".
  • For example, take the word "doll". We add consonant pronouncing to him and get "my doll" - that is, it is mine, it means that it is a female genus. But, for example, the word "computer" of a male genus, since it will sound like this: "My computer". And the word "window" of the middle kind, since the pronoun will be "My Window".

We will analyze this on the example of a particular offer:

  • Suppose you have an offer: "Masha took a bag and went to the store." We need to know what kind of name is a noun "bag. In the sentence, it stands in the vinegenous case, we also need to put it in the nominative, that is, that the word will have his initial form.
  • Since the subject is not inspired, then we set a question for him "What?". The answer is a bag.
  • Now I define the genus - she is my bag, it means that the word female genus.

When you learned to determine the genus of the nouns, you will just just determine and their declination.

Determine the decline of nouns

You need to know that in Russian, there are only 3 of them in Russian:

  • 1 - these are all nouns, except for the middle kind, ending on "A", "I". (Naturally, we are talking about words that stand in the nominative case). For example: Spring, Nanny, Youth, Uncle, etc.
  • 2 are words that have a male genus, and there is no ending either if they ends on "O", "E"; Also, the 2nd declusions include the words of the medium-sized, ending on "O", "E". For example: Chair, snow, sweater, happiness, apple, etc.
  • 3 - This includes nouns that have a female genus that have no end. For example: pain, mouse, daughter, steppe, etc.

It's important to know! If the noun has the form of only a plural number, then it cannot have a kind or decline. For example, it can be the following words: glasses, sleigh, money, day, ink, vacation, etc.

For a more visual example, we showed you the definition of decline in the scheme that is located below:

If your family has a schoolboy, you will need to know how to correctly determine the declination of the nouns. After reading our article, you can easily do it. Moreover, you are now, without the help of a teacher or a tutor, you can explain this rule to your chad.

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