What is an allegory?

What is an allegory?

Allegory - the method of illusion used in art for an allegorical description of reality. The reception outlines the object with the assistance of hints, and the semantic meaning of what is happening does not disappear, and is complemented by portable interpretation. Consider a more detailed what an allegory is, refining the theory of examples from different areas of human activity.

How did the term "allegory" appeared?

Allegory, as a camouflage symbol, got from the ancient Greek Ezop, which allegorically showed the disadvantages of a person, attributing their animals. We will analyze this term by analyzing the fastener "Fox and Grapes".

The poet rises a fox, under whose mask is hidden and a non-free man who does not want to make efforts to achieve the result.

What is an allegory in literature?

Some writers allegory or Ezopov language used to make the composition of fabulousness and avoid censorship edits.

  • The main character of the fairy tale of Saltykov-Shchedrin "Wombar Pescar" seems to be a fish that lives in a mink at the bottom of the reservoir, sees dreams and trembles from any binding subject. But, after reading the work, it becomes clear that the author meant not a fancy, and a cowardly, miserable and worthless official.

  • In Basnya I. A. Krylov, animals act, which according to the allegories, were awarded human traits: stubbornishness, stupidity, progress, cunning. Suppose, in the Basna "Pig under the oak", Ivan Wallery Javronia is changing lazy and ignorance of people living on the principle - after me, at least a flood.

  • The poets are injected into poetry, endowing the seasons with certain properties: Spring is a spiritual revival, autumn - the unpleasurness of a person, winter - the search for the meaning of existence, summer is the continuation of the launched life path.

What is an allegory in the folk epic?

In fantastic works, allegory passes to images where heroes are forest animals or pets. For example:

The chanterelle in non-bailies is always a tricky character, the wolf is evil, the bear is simple, crows - wise. That is why we are talking, giving an assessment to people and their behavior: "cunning fox", "donkey stubbornness", "click the teeth", "cowardly hare" and so on.

What is an allegory in life?

Many allegoric images reflect the understanding of the concepts of good, evil, justice and other moral ideals.

  • Allegory of free people is broken chains, and justice shows an allegorical statue of the Goddess of Femids.
  • A snow-white dove is considered a symbol of the world, a dream - the kingdom of Morpheus.
  • The image of the bowl with the sprinkling snake - the generally accepted emblem of medicine.
  • All heraldic signs, coat of arms of cities, the crown of emperors and the like - also belong to the allegory.

What is an allegory in painting?

Allegory in drawing is a speaking image, an empty abstract concept. This technique was especially popular in the Middle Ages, and in the Epoch of the Renaissance, when the artists were afraid to directly express their life positions. The above examples well demonstrate allegorical symbols.

  • Peter Bruegel Elder - the canvas "Two monkeys on the chain". The artist dressed in animals chains, hinting on the fact that only defeats Low desires man will come to spiritual equilibrium.

  • Stefano Torelli - "Allegory of Victory Catherine over the Turks." In the center of the canvas - Catherine II in the image of the goddess Minerva. Surrounding the fertiliar people and associates are surrounded, and the winged creations are hired in heaven.

  • Not all paintings have a veiled political or social orientation, many picturesque canvas are fantasy. Valentin Korotkov - "Allegory of the Autumn ... Hat".

As you understood, art is almost always allegorically, and this is done in order to increase the effect of aesthetic perception of the work and give viewers or readers to independently encourage the captured moment.


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