Female image in the novel

Female image in the novel "Hero of our time"

Women of the novel "Hero of our time" - bright personality. They are beautiful, volitional, smart, with sensitive and kind hearts. But no one left Pechorina for a long time next to him. It did not save it from moral fall. In the novel, the mouth of the sinking hero Maximovich, the story begins by the story about Bal.

Female image in the novel "Hero of Our Time" - Bal

Bal - daughter of Circassian Prince, the sister of Azamat is one of the main characters of female novel, which her brother abducts for Pechorin in exchange for Kazbich's horse, freezing villain Cherkeby. Bala image is a tragic image. High, thin with black eyes, it seemed that she looked into the soul of the interlocutor. This gaze struck and conquered the main character of the novel. He suddenly realized that in her one he could find consolation and getting rid of boredom. However, the girl brought up in another social medium could not be happiness. After a few months, Pechorin rushed and began to look for privacy on the hunt. Bela with time, though he understood that Pechorin no longer loves her, only more tied to him. How much could be Bela to love your hero? Perhaps all life. But Pechorin has already cooled and rushed again. Only the tragic death of Bail from the hand of Kazbich returned his love, for the last moments of her outgoing life. And for some time, Pecherin felt his loss. Although the death of Bail became relief to him.

Mary in the novel "Hero of our time"

Mary and faith are two female characters that appeared in the lives of Pechorin at the same time. The young daughter is printed with Ligovskaya, Mary, is passionate about the pearshnitsky, a friend of Pecherin. Subsequently, she has to choose between Pechorin and Pereshnitsky.

Princess Mary is considered an intelligent girl and morally clean. Her romantic nature is still inexperienced. Finding under the calculating influence of Pechorina, she passionately falls in love with him. Mary turned out to be naive romantic than successfully used the main character. Pechorin immediately understood the essence of the princessed. His spoiled Nature demanded an excitement from the young girl of love for himself, but having reached the goal, his passion immediately cooled. Mary, hitting the influence of Pechorin, received a cruel lesson.

Pechorin could not bring happiness to women. He brought other suffering to others. Mary is a young, inexperienced soul, did not have the ability to awaken in Pechorin the present, sincere feeling. Her love was unnecessary.

Faith in the novel "Hero of Our Time"

Vera is lucky more. This is another image of a woman. She is a secular lady, the former lovers of Pechorin - the only cynicism winning his. She understood his essence and loved with all the shortcomings. She is perceptive and faithful to her feeling. But she is experienced and always understood that Pechorin never marries. She was content with what he gave her. Pechorin appreciated it and, as he told her that she was the only one who he could not deceive. The image of faith is humble, sacrifice and dull feeling of self-esteem. Love for her main thing.

Ondina in the novel "Hero of Our Time"

Ondina - Mermaid, and did not receive a name in the novel. Smuggler girl. Undine energetic girl. Earns the fact that it helps to maintain a product brought by smugglers to the shore. She is devoted and brave. All in her appearance from nature. Very capable sayings of Pechorin about her: "Cropped like a cat, pouring like a horse and so on." Recognition in love lures the girl of the protagonist in the water, trying then to drown to keep the secret of his fishery. Unusual folk beauty of the girl attracts Pechorin. Even after the Undine tried to end with him, he hesitated to the very departure from Aul and hesitates whether the boat appears with a cunning seducer. He forever remembered her long white hair, fragile, thin camp and a smile attractive and insidious. Bes-girl, tempter, calculating and ruthless. Nevertheless, attracting its ease and independence.

Female characters Roman Lermontov play an important role. The author with their help shows how lonely Pechorin in any environment. There is no calmness in love or in friendship. This is his tragedy and tragedy of women who met on his way.

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