Comparative characteristic of Pechorin and Grushnitsky (according to the novel

Comparative characteristic of Pechorin and Grushnitsky (according to the novel "Hero of our time")

Roman Lermontov "Hero of our time" is the object of numerous disputes and research in modern writers. In the work, the author opposed the chief hero of another image. This literary intake allows us to specifically disclose the characters characters. The main character - Pechorin. This is a bright person, but the appearance of the pearshrick helped to reveal other traits of Pechorin's character. These are very interesting characters. It seems that they are similar to each other. But the comparative characteristic will help to understand whether they have something in common or this is completely different identities.

Origin and attitude towards women Pechorin and Grushnitsky

Pechorin is an aristocrat, received secular education. He does not particularly worry about his appearance, but it looks always neat. Lermontov repeatedly draws the reader's attention to the external manifestations of the Aristocratic Pecherin. For him, love is fun, no lady was able to conquer his heart. Cheeky, impregnable and mysterious - these character traits attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Junker Grushnitsky brought up in a simple family. This is the most ordinary guy who dreams of love and promotion. But the ambitious young man seeks any way to get out of people. It is important for him to make a positive impression of himself. The appearance has a special meaning for a pear, he wants to look spectacular. In the presence of women, this quality manifests itself very much. The guy believes in real love, he is a romantic and seeks to please women.

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Character of Pechorin and Grushnitsky

The main features of Pechorin's character:

  • self-confidence and prudence;
  • well versed in humans and relationships;
  • analytical mind;
  • cynicity, ulcer and desire to manipulate other people for entertainment.

The main features of the nature of Gruchnitsky:

  • the smart, but does not see the manipulations of other people;
  • the desire to indicate and imitate other people;
  • romanticism and enthusiasm;
  • inclined to dramatize and exaggerate feelings;
  • partial disappointment in humans. Hello likes to feel like a man who suffers a lot, and depict a lonely, disappointed romantic hero.

These two characters have a novel, there are common features of character - the absence of simplicity, self-confidence and egoism. But in Pechorin, the entire present, he does not exhibit anything. This is a selfish nature, but at the same time complex and contradictory. Under the numerous masks of Hushnitsky, a cruel person is hiding in which hate and malice will win. This is an ally and petty nature.

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The role of Pechorin and Grushnitsky in society

Pechorin constantly conflicts with himself and society. He was disappointed in the ideals of the past generation, but he could not suggest something. Will not find decent activities. Because of this, the hero appears a sense of loneliness and fatigue. He constantly opposes himself to society and laughs at the metropolitan aristocrats. A subtle psychologist sees all the vices of modern people.

Grushnitsky is pleased with modern society, he has no such problems as Pechorina. He likes just to live. In those years in fashion were disappointed with life and romance. It is characteristic of the hero and among young people he feels his own.

Cards 4.

The pearshnitsky is distinguished by all the negative qualities of Pechorin, but he did not take anything positive from the main character. Therefore, it can be called a kind of caricature on Pechorin. He looks next to the main character funny and miserable. The character of Grucnitsky helped to disclose the main qualities of his nature and his soul depth in Pechorin. In his novel, Lermontov was not going to endure the moral sentence. The author just showed all the abyss of human nature.

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