Characteristic of Pechorin in the chapter

Characteristic of Pechorin in the chapter "Bal"

Written in 1840, the novel "Hero of our time" is considered a worthy literary work. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov - author of the novel, wanted to give us an atmosphere of that contradictory time of contrasts. The creator of the work was displayed most of the shortcomings and vices of those times, at the same time with the advantages and force of one person.

External Description G.A. Pechorina in the chapter "Bal"

In the entire first chapter, the description and manner of the behavior of Gregory Aleksandrovich Pechorina was transferred from the words of the elderly headquarters of Maxim Maxim. According to his memories, Pechorin was a slender young man. Clearly looked at the ambition and pedantic of the main character. This confirmation will be the following lines: "He appeared to me in full form ... He was so thin, whlen, on it the uniform was so new." At the same time, the young age of the Hero of the novel is emphasized.

Features of the character of Gregory Alexandrovich Pechorin in the chapter "Bal"

This chapter has no reflection on the topic of condemning the egoism of the main character. Maxim Maximich is a straight and kind man. He was incomprehensible to the inner world of Gregory Alexandrovich. His long-time friend was brightly remembered in the memory of Maxim Maxim. Many versatile character traits of Pechorin surprised the elderly headquarters. He recalls him as a person of the outstanding abilities and owner of an unprecedented egoism and coldness to other people's senses. Maxim Maximich struck the strength and fearless Pechorin in front of wild boar. At the same time, unexpected drafts and discontinued shutters could frighten the main character before shaking. For the most part, Pechorin said little, but he had such a mood that he could have been laughing over his stories. Pechorin had too attentive attitude towards his longing, which often overtook him when one or another target was achieved.

Gregory Aleksandrovich was a smart, he studied a lot. In his young age, there was a great experience of communicating and relationships with the young ladies. Pechorin masterfully knew how to prove the inner world of any person and enjoyed the weaknesses of people in the name of his game to the insatiable thirst for emotions.

Pechorin's attitude to Bale

Bal was the daughter of the local prince in the Caucasus. But for Pechorina, she was a young Cherkhenya and Dicarka. He looked at the black-eyed beauty with an insatiable lust. Her power of the Spirit caused a bright outbreak of Passion from Gregory Aleksandrovich. According to Maxim Maximich, the girl was a worthless representative of the weak gender and loved him as a native daughter. An elderly man immediately felt that Pechorin wants to take advantage of the young beauty. His intuition did not fail. However, Pechorin was able to defend his position and refused to return to Balu back to her father.

Initially, Grigory Alexandrovich was the most affectionate and generous husband for the southern girl. He obeyed her failures. Over time, he managed to melt the heart of the Bail. He did it purposefully, he knew that he would receive the desired result. You can characterize Pechorin as a composite manipulator. As Maxim Maximych premeditated, with the time the hero of the novel cooled to the unfortunate girl who loved him with all his heart. He stopped her pamper and spend time with her. The girl squeezed. But, according to Friend Pechorin, it did not worry her beloved. He just leaving for a long time. Non-permanent personality - Gregory. He allowed his boredom to manage the lives of other people.

At the end of the head of Bal was killed. Stack captain described the state of Pechorin too calm and indifferent to the happening grieving. Neither tears flashed on the cheeks of this strange person.

Pechorin Grigory Aleksandrovich was a very cruel man, he loved when he was captured by the Spirit, but like a match, burned, satisfied with another victory. It cannot be said that he was happy, because he himself was not glad to his impermanence.

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