The image of the lost generation in the novel

The image of the lost generation in the novel "Hero of Our Time"

In each literary work, the fate of the characters is associated with the image of its generation, because the heroes reflect their time in which they live. The bright example is the Roman Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". On the example of the life of Pechorina, the author visually showed the image of the generation of that era, calling it "lost".

Why did Lermontov become interested in the theme of the lost generation in the "Hero of our time"?

Lermontov answered this question at the beginning of his work. The writer himself lived in the 1930th century. His generation felt the cruel reaction of the royal government to the Decembrists' uprising in 1825. King Nicholas I stopped all revolutionary ideas. The best Decembrists exiled to Siberia or executed. It was difficult for young people to fight for their ideas, and the fate of gifted and smart youth was doomed.

People passively accepted public changes. Young people who opposed it were doomed to loneliness. In the soul they felt the fear of power, disbelief and doubt. The generation of that time lived in the era of refusal from bright ideals. People did not seek anything, but simply sailed downstream, burning their lives in the secular balas and spending her for various dubious entertainment. Therefore, Lermontov called the generation of those days "lost".

Picture 2.

Pechorin - a bright image of a lost generation in the "Hero of Our Time"

In his novel, Lermontov showed the life of the chief hero of Pecherin through many events that opened all the features of his character. This strong nature was doomed to inaction. Pechorin is recognized in love for the world, but others brings some misfortunes and can not change anything for the better, nor in their lives or in society. He admits that his soul is spoiled. In a secular society, the main character hid all his feelings and thoughts, as I was afraid of mockery. Throwing and thin soul Pechorina contemporaries just would not understand.

Pechorin did not bow the head before the current time, did not want to sail downstream. But everything lies only in his thoughts and suffering. Specific actions are not visible. The hero suffers and ask himself the question: why did I born and live now? He admires the people of last generation, but the contemporaries can not offer anything. About contemporaries The main character says that they are indifferent to everything. In his ridiculous protest, he failed, but his reflections are the most thoughts of the best people of that time.

The tragic fate of Pechorina reveals his diary. It can be seen that the guy is able to worry, to love and feel deep and deep. But all its good character qualities is covered with indifference and cynicism. This is a kind of self-defense mask. Therefore, it becomes clear to the reader that Pechorin has fate and life and life in society with destroyed ideals.

Picture 3.

On the example of the main hero, Lermontov showed all the vices of the time when the duality of human nature, weakness and small passions are intertwined with force and clear mind. This lost generation did not find a worthy place in life, and the image of Pechorin is a prime confirmation. On the pages of the novel, the author called on contemporaries not to sail passively by the flow, and act and actively resist any evil and meanness.

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