As the character of Pechorina is manifested in relationships

As the character of Pechorina is manifested in relationships

Pechorin. Using this name, we immediately remember the handsome of the officer from Roman Mikhail Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". But, even carefully reading in the lines of the work, many questions arise. Who is actually Pechorin - Cynic, mockery, ladies' waters or finished egoist, loving just himself?

In the work several novel, in each of which the hero opens in front of us from the new side. Lermontov shows Pechorin through the eyes of several persons, and then gives the word to himself by using the diary form. All this is done so that we understand the sophisticated nature of the hero.

How does the character of Pechorina appear in the Novalla "Bal"

Gregory Aleksandrovich Pechorin - a smart man, temperamental, with an analytical warehouse of the mind, but with a controversial character, from which he suffers and the people around him.

In Novella "Bal", we learn about Pechorin from Maxim Maxim's headquarters. At one time, Pechorin served in the fortress in the Caucasus under his leadership. The old warrior with his father's care was offered his friendship to the young officer. Grigory with the arrogance did not take out outstretched.

In this part of the novel, there is also a love tie, where the hero looks like a spoiled selfish child: I want to - take it. He fascinated by the young Cherkishhenka, Pechorin organizes the abduction of beauty. When the goal is achieved - the captive girl is attached to him, Gregory becomes boring. But in a rustling of pity, he pretends caring and in love. Who needs such compassion, if, ultimately, because of the egoism and the whim of the officer, Bal dies and her father.


As the character of Pechorin is manifested - "Maxim Maximach"

Five years after the events described, Pechorin resigned. On the way to Persia, he meets with headquarters in a roadside hotel. The old servant is ready to rush on the neck of a young officer, but he looks at his acquaintance with disdain and indifference, rejecting a friendly handshake.


How the character of Pechorina is manifested - "Taman"

In the novel, the story leads Pechorin himself. We must give him due, he does not hide anything and does not embellish, he says, as it was.

According to the treasury affairs, the hero is delayed in a small town of Taman and stops a deaf old woman in the house. On the coast of Grigory meets leading itself very strange, the girl-Undin and the blind boy. Interested in what is happening, Pechorin begins to follow them. This is where his adventurism is manifested, curiosity, reckless courage, naivety. As a result, Pechorin finds out that the girl and blind are connected with smugglers. But it is impossible to penetrately penetrate into someone else's secret - Undina barely not drowned him, and the boy was robbed.

Taman 0.

How the character of Pechorina is manifested - "Princess Mary"

In the story "Princess Mary" - Pechorin Doubles. On the one hand, this is a sincere, courageous, intelligent officer who protects the princess from gossip and overcame. Risching life, he raises the abuser Mary, Hushnitsky, on a duel. On the other hand, a self-confident, selfish, a vengeful person who seems to see the love of naive girl with sophisticated methods. Knowing that Grushnitsky love Mary, Gregory is angry with him, causing a young charming charming. By the way, the love of Mary does not need a hero. He acts itself, reaching the goal - so that the soul of an inexperienced girl opens to him. When Mary falls in love so much that he wants to connect fate with him, a crazy horse says that he will never love her. Pechorin justifies his unworthy acts, referring to the fact that the Society of Grushnitsky made such a "moral cripp" from it.

And in the scene with the pursuit of faith, we see another person. This is not a calculating skeptic, but a real man who is afraid of losing a beloved woman. Jump in full support, despair, tears - everything speaks about it.


As the character of Pechorina is manifested - "Fatalist"

The last chapter shows us that the hero does not appreciate life. Even a possible death for him is a game that helps dispel boredom. Does Pechorin draw or think so in fact? It is difficult to understand. We only see how Gregory, exposing their life danger, calm the desperate killer. Here is courage, steel nerves, the heroism of the officer.

Fatalist 3.

Pechorin is a romantic hero of his, and and our time. He cannot apply his abilities, does not know what to make a heroic, useful, valuable for society. As a result, this outstanding person carries people only unhappiness. The hero remains a mystery for us, but maybe it attracts readers?

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