What is the difference between the story

What is the difference between the story

In Russian literature, as in the literature of other countries, there are various genres of writing works in prose. It may be a story, story, novel, novel. Each author chooses for himself one or another genre of writing, and someone even works in several immediately. Each genre has its own distinctive features. From this article you will learn how the story is different from the story.

What is a story

Before talking about the differences of the aforementioned genres, it is necessary to figure out what each of them is separately. Let's start, perhaps, with the story.

The story is considered to be such a genre of epic poetry, which is inherent in the following features of writing:

  1. First, the story itself is small in volume. Often it can be written in the pair of troop pages, well, or sheets.
  2. The story is a product that illuminates a certain event. It is he who is assigned the main place in the text. The work is most often realistic.
  3. This genre should not have any lyrical deviations, long descriptions, prehistory. Here everything develops rapidly, the event that happens is not stretched for many years.
  4. It is written can be both from the first and third party.
  5. Any story has a specific writing structure. He begins by the introduction where the author briefly introduces our main persons, talks about the place and time of action. Next should be the beginning of the plot. Then we see how the plot develops. And finally, we see climax, and then the interchange of the plot.
  6. Noteworthy is the fact that the number of characters are limited in the story. This allows us to be as readers, faster to imagine a picture of the work, because you do not need to "spray" to study and analyze the many actors in reading.

We listed the main features of writing a story. They are in principle enough for comparative characteristics. In order to feel all the nuances of this genre, you can read, for example, the story of the old woman Izergil M. Gorky, "Man in the case" A. Chekhov.

What is the story

They dealt with the story, now I will get acquainted with what is the story.

The story is one of the genres of epic poetry, which is characterized by the following features:

  • large enough by volume, if compared with the story and novel, then it is in magnitude of the average meaning between them;
  • the story describes a sufficiently large number of facts and events, but they are all combined with one plot;
  • the story is a genre of only Russian literature, in the literature of other countries such a term does not exist;
  • in the story we can meet various descriptions of landscapes, and lyrical deviations, and prehistory;
  • the plot in the story can branch and have several lines, often the main character takes part in the fate of other characters;
  • the story is narrative, it can be chronicle, chronic and other works, also works;
  • in this genre of works, the events flow smoothly, mainly in chronological order, without any sharp surprises;
  • most often, this is a fictional story, not realistic.

To clearly feel this epic genre, you can read such a story if you have not read them: "Poor Lisa" N.M. Karamzin, "Captain's daughter" A.S. Pushkin, "Shinel" N.V.Gogol, etc. d.

What are the differences between the story and the story

Knowing the fully characteristics and of the other type of genre, we can safely say that they still differ. So, the differences between the tale and the story are as follows:

  1. First of all, they are different in volume: the story is less, the story is more
  2. If the author can describe many events that are combined with one story, then in the story, only one event is concentrated in the story.
  3. In the story, a small number of characters, in the story, on the contrary, the fate of the main character can intertwine with the fate of many characters throughout the whole work due to the branching of the storyline.
  4. The story, as a genre of epic poetry, is unique in its kind, it is present only in Russian literature, there is no such genre in foreign one. And the story exists in both Russian literature and in different forms, in the literature of other countries.
  5. In the story, the plot develops smoothly, leisurely. In the story, everything happens rapidly.
  6. In the story there may be copyright retreats, descriptions, and prehistory. There is no such thing in the story.

To understand, in contractions between the tale and the story, sometimes it is quite difficult, and many literary crit works can not always. However, reading our article, you can easily determine the line between the story and the story, as you now know all the nuances of writing works and in the other genre.

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