10 main books of 2015, which are worth reading

10 main books of 2015, which are worth reading

2015 was enough generous for lovers to read at leisure. A wide variety of books released the authors from under their feather. Fantasy, thrillers, detectives - all genres just do not list. The 10-way of the essential novels of the past year, which critics are recommended to read, are collected in this selection.

Anthony Dorre "All invisible light"

The Pulitzer Prize - the award that Dorre received for the novel, who was waiting for his publication for almost 10 years. And here the readers were able to appreciate it. Piercing stories of survival of various people in worldview, age, nation during World War II, a tireless desire to remain human - formed the basis of this work.

Paul Hawkins "Girl in the train"

The first book, which Floor Journalist Hawkins published under his name, having a job in the baggage, published under the pseudonym. A witty detective novel, the main heroine - Rachel, who watched every morning from the Jason's spouses trains and Jess, finds out about the crime, and her calm life changes dramatically.

Stephen King "Who found, takes himself"

Psychological thriller - continuation of the story started King in the novel "Mr. Mercedes". The writer Rottein in the recent past of the rebel, and now the reclusive writes a lot, but does not publish. A huge number of drafts, waiting to be released, is stored in his house. And then a sharp turn of fate, the writer kill, kidding all his manuscripts.

Adrian Triyani "Wife of the Bashman"

Sleek and colorful historical novel about love, a zipped main characters Enza and Ciro through the years, the continents and the two wars. As a child, leaving their homeland, they are moving to America, where he originated the story. Longing for Italy, friendship, love, hard work skillfully intertwined in their author fate.

David Mitchell "Mere mortals"

For fans of Mitchell, each of his published book is a grand event. In this novel, he immerses readers in a fantastic world, where they will re-get to know the heroes known to them from previous works. The plot at first seems to be a banal - a quarrel with mom and Holly Sax runs away from home. This is all the real ends and incredible events begin.

Harper Lee "Go put the guard"

This novel was the first book of the writer, but at the suggestion of the editor she wrote it to the continuation, where all the events occur in childhood and so "squeeze", who came out first. Harper Li a year after him awarded the Pulitzer Prize, and "go put the guard" considered lost manuscript. And after 55 years, the yield of this novel became a sensation around the world.

David Lagerkranz "The girl who is stuck in a web"

The journalist from Stockholm, at the insistence of editors, began to finish the next story of the deceased Steve Larsen - the famous author of the Millennium trilogy. Already familiar to the reader a couple - Mikael and Lisbet will reveal the world conspiracy. Did you manage to keep writing style - to solve the reader.

Ben Lerner "22:04"

The proximity of death radically changes the perception of life from a young and successful writer. What is happening around he sees quite different and represents the future of all mankind and a certain world in which there is a place for love.


John Boyne "Boy on the top of the mountain"

This novel can be called a continuation of the "boy in striped pajamas." The heroes are different, but the cruelty of the Führera followers is equally traced in the works. Once in the estate of Hitler, a nice and kind Piero gradually turns into a cruel and immoral pector, proud of his form.

Donna Tart "Schegol"

Adventure psychological novel. The owner of the painting "Schegol", which first becomes a curse, and later helps to get out of the bottom, the 13-year-old theo becomes, who after the explosion in the museum miraculously survived and got it from the dying old man.

All these books have already managed to find their fans and their ranks are becoming more and more.

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