How to download torrent program on computer

How to download torrent program on computer

Decided to look at the leisure a new movie or download audiobook on the road? It is most convenient to do this through the torrent.

Download the program "Torrent Client", for this you score this name in the search string in any search engine with the final "free download", open the first proposed a source and download the program.

On the left at the bottom will be downloaded utorrent.exe. We are waiting until the program is running when it becomes active, click on the title once. In the running message, click the "Run" button.

The computer will ask whether to make changes to the running program - agree. The torrent program installation wizard will be launched. We all agree and click "Next".

The program is installed, you can now begin downloading the torrents themselves.

To download torrents of films, audiobooks or images, you can register on proven sites such as or, and choose the desired torrent from their range, or through a search engine, scoring the name of the famous movie with the asscription "download torrent in good quality."

Among the proposed source sites, we open the one that causes less doubts about harmfulness. Usually on the trackcresses of torrents on any request offer a whole list of torrents of different quality. Choose the one that suits us by pressing the arrow down. File torrent will boot to the computer, but not a movie!

Double-click on the downloaded file, the program for torrents drilled earlier will open. In the window that opens, you specify the path where we want to save the movie.

Press OK, the process of jumping the film through the torrent begins. In the table that opens, we see the download state: how much time it remains to the end, how much percent has already been loaded. A high-quality film can download for a long time even at high Internet speed. To shorten this time, it is necessary to close the browser, complete the online video view, in general, to unload the system.

When the download is completed, you can double-click on the name of the movie in the Torrent Program Table and start viewing.


To establish the Torrent program, the client will have only one day, and the torrents are absolutely not difficult. Developers tried to fame by creating such a convenient way to download information from the network.

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