How to download Office (Office)

How to download Office (Office)

Microsoft Office allows you to work with different types of documents and sometimes it is simply indispensable to other similar applications. Buying a licensed Office package is a pretty expensive thing. In our article we will look at how to download the office for free.

Go to the tracker page "" Or any other, which will find on the Internet. Prefer the resources requiring registration is the most safe. With a small list of the most popular torrent resources, read here.

Go through the registration procedure, activate your account via mail and log in to Rutracker * ORG under your login. Set the UTorrent program first, with which you can download files from torrent sites. Instructions for beginners directly for this torrent site is on page "". You can also use the article. "How to download torrent program to a computer" We have on "".

In the search string of the service, type "Microsoft Office" and click Search. From the list presented, select the appropriate updated version of the software product. Suppose you stopped on the updated "Microsoft Office 2007 Professional SP3 12.0" - Click on the name.

A window opens with a program description. Find a link to download torrent files and save it on your computer. Run the UTORRENT and open the downloaded file in this program.

The contents of the torrent file in this case turns on the folder with several elements. Load it from the file sharing completely through your torrent program.

The Microsoft Office software product has a sufficiently large volume (more than 1 GB), so the download time depends on the speed of your Internet connection. After the files are fully loaded, the notifying window "Download is complete" will be displayed.

Keep in mind that downloading pirated copies of software products, you violate the law.

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