How to write a total dictation 2017

How to write a total dictation 2017

Write a dictation in the framework of the traditional action - an excellent opportunity to objectively evaluate your literacy. You can take part in the annual act, you can both directly and online - lovers of the Russian language can pass a voluntary exam from any corner of the planet. In 2017, a nationwide event will be held on April 15th.

How to prepare for the total dictation of 2017

To prepare for a total dictation, there are the following possibilities that can be used about a month before it is written:

Free Prepared Courses

To find out if you prepare for a total dictation in your region, open the official resource of the internet event - the desired geographical name on the site title page and click on the inscription "Find out the details". Then open the Schedule link and find the items of the Russian language lessons in the art. If information on offline-preparation in the section is absent, special classes in this city are not provided.

Online training

To take advantage of this opportunity, go to the "Prepare for Dictation" section (Main Page, where the next lesson will be held every week.

How to write a total dictation 2017 offline

  • Find out if you read the total dictation in your city, for example, on the same official website of the All-Russian test (main page).
  • A few days before the event, make registration on In the section of your region by selecting the "Register" option. Look in your personal account, in which place you need to be.
  • Come to the specified location and time.

How to write a total dictation 2017 remotely

  • Pass register on
  • Before the event, go to the site.
  • Click on the noticeable "write online" button (Main page) or go to the page
  • Wait for the start of online broadcast and proceed to writing.
  • After the event is completed, use the "Check" option, where you will immediately see all your errors (when writing offline there is no such possibility).

As you can see, write a total dictation is not at all difficult. The main thing is to analyze possible errors and do not lower your hands in the desire for improvement.

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Valentina 05/04/2017 at 10:06.

Sorry, but I do not understand how to register if I am going to write dictation online. Is it enough that I have a personal account or is there any playground?

Nina 08/04/2017 at 8:55.

Tell me where the button or the cursor is to write a dictation online from home. Moreover, I have already registered and filling out the personal data - the word "continue" - does not react? Can you explain please. Or in time early until we have in the city of Barnaul - 11 hours, and the beginning will be at 14-00 everywhere? Help! Thanks in advance!

Nina 08/04/2017 at 11:15

SOS! I want to write a dictation at home in Novosibirsk, but I did not work with registration on Online, but by pressing the online dictation key, the window does not open. It remains 45 minutes. Before the start of dictation. Please help me. I will be very grateful to you!

yura 04/12/2017 at 12:14.

Empty Tatars!

Russian if accepts Islam! He always remains Russian! Every year, Russians are accepted by the Russians against Orthodoxy! The data is shyly classified! Even the Great A. Pushkin wrote a fairy tale about Pop and Bald Worker! Now it is forbidden to read in schools to children with clergy! Astronomical observatory is also banned! Read Roman A. Pushkin Dubrovsky! And watch the movie! Learn about the sadistic murderer D. Saltykova Orthodox! Even the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy was very stubborn! The nobleman Count L.N. Tolstoy was smart! He accepted Torto Islam! And he was an opponent of Orthodoxy! Since the priests helped the autocracy to order, keep peasants in serf law-slave! Did not defend the priests of fortress peasants from the arbitrarian landowners when! Almost all ringing on the bell tower in the wind! Poor! There were tuberculites! And the priests of parishioners were forced to be baptized by Cukish !!! And even Russian older workers! Who did not want to be bruteed! But L.N. Tolstoy still remained Russian Muslim! I did not eat pork like Tatars !!! In the clear glade held horses! Preparing and drank koumiss! I knew Tatar language! It was repeatedly pursued by the reactionary clergy, Synod !!!! Wanted at his funeral! So that there are no Popov, Crosses, icons! On the grave not to install the cross! The wish of L.N. Tolstoy was made in the clear Polyana native! At the grave, the cross is not worth it! You can make sure the Internet! And now! What is the difference between baptized tatars? They have no circumcision! Sharpening during sex quickly like roosters! And women remain not satisfied! And some sultry are forced to look even on the left! And women are even a disease of the uterus cancer! Why do you ask the doctors ??? And they bury them in a wooden bushlate or most likely cremmed! Unlike Muslims Tatars! And Tatars Muslims differ! What! At one-eyed remove the collar flesh, thick with a match! This operation is without painful! For hygiene, potency, and the duration of the act! And women do not have uterus cancer! At the baptized Tatars cross the man-made symbol! And Tatar Muslims in the sky! Crescent Creation of Allah and Nature Light Symbol !!!! And the Jews have a ceremony of circumcision! Orthodoxy and even the communists grooved and pursued left in Russia and even in the USSR! Orthodoxy began to call! Who does not know! Gone thanks to the right hand!

Famous football players, coaches V. Gazzayev Christian, S. Cherchesov Muslim, they are Ossetians! They have the language of Ossetian! They are a single proud smart people! Do not go on denominations! When census, they are always Ossetian one! They do not have a humiliating shameful nickname painted! They are smart! Enlighten the baptized Tatars !!!!

Gagauz Turkic origin! There are Muslims among them! Not a large number returned to Islam! Also baptized forcibly !!! They and in the head will not come to call themselves a humiliating nickname painted! If anyone calls the nickname painted! Get immediately into the horn system! They have no nickname confessional painted!

Nagaibaki is also baptized forcibly! Talk to Tatar language! Which is in the risk zone of disappearance! There is no written language! They unfortunately die out disappear assimilated! Eiffel Tower will not help! Go to not be! As the last census of the people! Not a large number later returned to Islam! You need to urgently build mosques! This is a savings hope for them !!!! The last Hansha in Kazan was the Nogai Tatarka Sumubik! She rejected I. Grozny and Baptism! Not conquered! Did not accept the crop! Lituya death accepted from Orthodoxy !!! Did not conquer !!!

I remembered the case from the history of ancient times! The captured warrior did not determine what nationality! LED CONTRACTED TO THE ESOPU FIREE OF GREICKA! And asked to determine what nationality? He was brilliantly wisely judged! And said, let him say !!!

• Russian intelligent cultural passing universities are not crushed! Newly baptized Tatars were not allowed in the sir of priests and Russian parishioners! Treated wary, suspicious to them! Forgiveness?

Some baptized peoples like Marrie returned to the ancient pagan beliefs! Kalmyki baptic! With the help of President Ilyumzhinov returned to Buddhism! Yakuts and other nations returned to their ancient beliefs! Only baptized tatars aggressively with the disservice stubbornly opposed! Separated themselves from the Tatars! Be defamed in no one way!

Something sat in Pivbar was convinced! Located in hats drink beer Breshned Tatars! Someone asked who are such foreigners? Local Russian Advanced Guy under the Degree said! These are clowns baptized Tatars, said viciously! In the crazy house, the woven "E-ut" said! They put the hats that did not even wear in Russia! They suffer to thin! I was surprised and delighted for the truth by an unknown Russian guy!
The division and degeneracy of the Tatars!
The baptized Tatars voluntarily want to stay as an ethnic trash on the backyards of history! And became a seamless! I sympathize and regret and not gloating over the baptized Tatars! They just frowned !!!! Among them are still! While stayed! Talented artists Composers Bayanists like Gennady Makarov! YURA!

yura 04/12/2017 at 12:15.

Bulgarians or Tatars !!!!

Bulgars of Turkic origin! Before there were pagans! Area accommodation was in Volzhsk - Kama region! Lived in small villages! And led half-blooded lifestyle! Fishing, fish engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding! Fought with Khazari, Slavs, Varyags !!! Bulgarian language preserved in Chuvash !!!! Chuvashi steel Bulgarians have some part that did not accept Islam !!!! They are a single people! And remained carriers of the Bulgarian language of Chuvash so far !!!! Chuvashi Descendants of the Volga Bulgar !!!!!
In 922, they accepted Islam from Baghdad Caliphate !!!!
Were forced to accept Islam! Which has entered several centuries ago on the Volga and Russia !!!! True, not all! To prevent tenting and breaking, and outflow into other religions! In Judaism and Khristry !!!! Islamic spirit was completely stable "mercantile" amorphous !!!! Religious feelings at the Bulgarians were low !!! In Bilyar and Bulgar, the Orthodox Cerrils stood next to the mosque and practiced even pagan rites! There were also Armenian Catholic churches and Jewish synagogues !!!! Until now, a six-pointed star of David was conquered in the settlement of Bulgar! And many Tatars Muslims were puzzled !!! Some Mullah and Bulgarians were shrawn, the eyes were pursing, the tail was not answered, for not comfortable questions, heated !!! Now the star of David, diligently smeared in our time by Bulgarists! Thus, humiliating Jews! The Bulgarian settlement was a small wooden hedge! They did not care about the security were careless! And the Russian cities all had good fortress walls !!!
In the endless expanses, Eurasia extended the ancient state "Tartaria" - "Tataria" !!!! Which came into decline as a result between gods and broke up !!!! Manchur also had Tatar roots, but not Chinese !!!! "They are at the moment already assimilated !!!! Uygur also consider themselves the Tatar ancient tribe! In the north of China and to the Pacific Ocean and Asia nominated numerous scattered Tatar tribes! They were bent among themselves! Then there was no Mongolia !!!! A small bunch of Chornaya Horde, Genghis Khan, called his nicknamed Mongol! The warring tribes combined Genghis Khan from the White Horde !!!! He was an outstanding Tatar !!!! There was a blond reddish and blueglase !!! Not a similar face to Mongol from the Black Horde !!!! So wrote Crestian missionaries! Arab and Persian merchants !!!! The overwhelming majority of Tatars were in the army! Who later became dominated after the death of Genghis Khan !!!! The language became the official "Tatar" not "Mongolian" !!!! Since Mongol was negligible! And they were still ethnically far from the Türki! Woning China began to take in the wife of the imperial daughters, concubines, like a trophy! Grandson of Genghis Khan Tatar Maridy Khubilay grabbed the power in Mongol's imminent residue and won them in Step! Put, finally, Mongol raids on China brutally! I appline multiple crushing lesions! Khubilai founded the dynasty "Yuan"! Made Beijing's capital for China !!! One of the first introduced paper money! Read chinese sources and lion humilov historian !!! Kubilai and Tatars, and his descendants owned by China 200 years! Until they assimilated dissolved! Because they took local wives as winners! Even acumerable children from the Tatar !!!! Traveler Marco Polo was captive in the service of Tatar Khubilana 17 years old !!! And after the death of Khan escaped to Italy rich! He left immortal laudatory memories in his homeland about the Tatars !!!! Brought Pasta-Spaghetti from Tatars !!! In Japan, samurai appeared a sword! Surchated on the ancient Tatar technologies !!! The sword has a second name in Japan "Tatara" !!! The original relic is in the museum under guard !!! The grateful Japanese "perpetuated the Tatar ethnic group to forever" Kazan and Russia !!! This information was provided by Rafail Khakimov Professor Scientist who visited Japan and held Tatar's sword in his hands !!! Those time, the Tenger began to ous out gradually "Islam" !!!! After conquering Central Asia! Many Tatars soldiers accepted Islam! !!! And became the dead of their warriors to bury, and not to burn, like with the Tenger !!!! Also relatives and brothers were taken to his wife the widow of the deceased warrior with children and cared for their relatives! This custom was only at the Tatar! And only the Tatar had a symbol of "Beauty" -CHESCHES and horses !!!! Also considered the Crescent Creation of Nature! Tatar beautiful bright symbol Islamic !!! Each Tatar warrior! "Passian" in the campaign knew! The family will not be thrown! Therefore, the Tatars are always the first dare, they went into battle and fiercely attacked! Then moved the troops of Batu-Khan to the West in the 13th century! Pre-pushing out, drove the remnants of Mongol, on their territory! Since many of them are not when they are turned! They hurt "leprosy" and "syphilis" and began to be collected by the Buddha! And Batu Khan became an independent ruler of the Golden Horde! On the way, which was the Volga Bulgaria! Small detachments reconnaissance invaded Bulgaria and defeated! After that, the war began to be cruel full-scale! Captives did not take! Killed, everyone is not sparing, no one! And hesitated for the dead Tatars! The city of the capital Biil was completely destroyed with the inhabitants and became the desert !!!! Bulgaria disappeared and disappeared as a state on the Volga on Always !!!! In those days, under the law of war, no submissive cities were destroyed completely! The population of Bulgaria was destroyed and scattered! Remains replenished, Chuvash ethnos voluntarily kneading !!!! The rest of the surviving Bulgarians in a panic fled to Bulgaria to the brothers Christians !!!! The aristocracy with the male and servants fled to Kiev and hastily with the "ostervement" voluntarily baptized, breaking his foreheads into the blood on the pellets! The same treated Mullai selling in Bulgaria, the most voluntarily baptized! And prayed to the monument "Asparuha"! Because they had low Islamic religiosity !!! And in the future were assimilated, Christianized! In the Orthodox diocese, there is an icon of the Holy Bulgar !!! The priest of the Bulgar went with the Cossacks and the Archers in the Kazan province and the force of the Tatar baptized! And he selected children from the family to monasteries! Especially looking for boys with bass voices for service in churches! So! Many priests and priests have Tatar features of the face! The skirmish was killed and ranked in the clique of the Holy Martyrs of the Orthodox Church! The diligence was rated! Do not be lazy for the Bulgarians "Shaitans" Check! Now the Bulgarians do not be traitors! Moreover, Vsevolod Chaplin presented the Order Cross-shaped RPC MP Fame and Honor 2nd degree Imam Mosque "Bulgar" in Kazan Ildus Hazrat Phampow! !!! Therefore, on the Bulgar Mosque in Kazan !!!! You need to hang the icon of St. Bulgar !!!! Moreover, the brand of Bulgar beer firm brought from Cheboksary, produced long ago in Tatarstan !!! The Bulgar Mosque promotes, spins, promotes the sale of beer to Tatarstan !!! Now it is necessary to conduct services on the Bulgalovash language! And not the Tatar drinking Bulgar Beer !!!! It is necessary to organize the Bulgarorovash houses in Bulgar and give them the church !!! And it will be fair! And all the ensembles of Bulgar in Tatarstan must speak in Chuvash language with music! You need to add Chuvash's music does not look like Tatar! And the main thing they do not have "Tatar Monet" and Pentatonics "!!!! Which of North China, the Tatar White Horde brought with him to Tatarstan and Russia, including tea and powder! And if you do not disassemble wild, then compare and ask the Tatars of Musicians! And it will not be discrimination against the Bulgaorovash people! After all, you are shauyans with "Othervement" !!!!
Propaganda Bulgarism Anti-Russian Anti Tatar !!!! Engage in disruptive activities in Russia and Tatarstan! Like Shaitan Bogdanov Shaukat from Ulyanovsk !!!! Revival of the "Bulgarian corpse" !!!! The saying is French read !!!! "Losing head on the hair does not cry" !!!! Under the "Blick" of the Tatar people like Shaitan Bogdanov! Conquered, Bulgaria on Tatar not whimsical horses moved, west! Batu-Khan, along the way with Tatars captured the settlement of the Bulgar interrupted all the inhabitants !!!! From the Bulgar and from their clothes with a flooded fat smelled badly !!!! Since the fish was eating in the Volga and Kame, not that in our time !!! Because elementary were sloppy !!! Hands after eating sturgeon and caviar not soap! Wipe about your clothes !!! Were untidy !!! The same did the slag leg of the lame Timur later! And Batu-Khan made a boolean first capital "Golden Horde"! Rebuilding the city in Tatarstan and Russia !!! Which subsequently, after the collapse of the Golden Horde! Disassembled on the temples peasants vandals! Turning into ruins! Went to the West !!! Tatars captured Kiev, and the axial Bulgars were fled to Bulgaria again! Along the way, Tatars founded Kharkov in Ukraine! Then selling Bulgaria was conquered by the Turks! 500 years was in Turkey! Russia dreamed of winning Istanbul Strait Bosphorus! I freed the full-time Bulgaria! Putting more than 100 thousand soldiers and a lot of wounded !!! Sales Salad Paskudnaya Bulgaria reproof the black ungratefulness of Russia! And Turkey Islamic from extermination, massacre, saved! Color of the Russian nation !!!! Accepted refugees and white Army of Wrangel from the Crimea! And the first recognized the young Soviet power! Nowadays, Turkey did not support sanctions against Russia !!!! They were kept secretly on evil Europe to leave NATO, and get close to Russia! Since more than 50 years have dragged, they threw! Did not take the Union in Euro! And Turkey has become a strategic partner of Russia !!!! While "Armenian Syndrome" did not push Putin and Russia to confrontation !!! Armenians Catholics Devilish sly, smart, arrogant !!! They were cunning smarter than Orthodox Russians and Jews !!! Rapid of Russia and Turkey does not suit C, W, A, Armenians, Kurds, Bulgarians! Joint "Secret Project of America and Armenians" successfully works on separation! Armenians with the party Dashnaktsutun are drawn into the Third World War Thermonuclear Russia! The Armenian Party Dashnaktsutun 1918 invited British invaders to the Caspian oil fisheries !!! World Armeniancy with the party Dashnaktsutun cooperates and collaborated with foreign intelligence and fascists! The Armenian Legion is presumably with the help of the Nazis dissolved in France! They avoided the Gulag! Armenians in Russia have sharply activated! Want to engage Russia !!! For the sake of Great Armenia from the Caspian to the Black Sea! Due to Russia! And without Russia! The Armenian "lobby" with the party Dashnaktsutyun in Russia penetrated even into power structures and business! While sleeping FSB! As A. Avakov and Yu Tymoshenko Ethnic Armenians in Ukraine! Chauvinistic avgar stood up Armenians in Russia! Armenians on a tank show with distervection regularly advocate Russian war with Turkey! Such as Kurginyan, with Baghdasarov, A.Mighanyan, Araik Simonyan, Margarita Simonyan! Nasked Turkey and Russia! Armenians skillfully play out the dysfil Russian! Union of Armenians of Russia Extremist presumably! Persistently grind your line! They will all be happy for the Great Armenia! For Orthodox smart Russians remained not noticed! As spoke, V. Wolfovich! Armenians were the first left the Great Power! And signed up, first of all, Jews and Russians from Armenia! And built mono ethnic state of Armenia on the similarity of the Third Reich !!!! And created mono ethnic Catholic space! On the expanses of the former USSR! No Russians! No problem say they! Russian beauties are considered trouble free! Bl-and! Russians are not men! Lohami! If the Armenian is recognized in relations with Russian! No Armenians never marry her! They are for nothing! And it will not be allowed even to Armenia! In Armenia there has been a long time animal nationalism! Armenians are the first Soviet separatists! Chose the target of the USSR! Homegrown Catholics are not Islamists! Made terrorist attacks in the USSR! Were pioneers teachers! In 1977, Armenians produced three terrorist attacks in the metro and stores of Moscow! There were a lot of dead and wounded! Conducted terrorist attacks in the USSR in the subway, buses, trains, aircraft! Planned to blow up Moscow and then! Prevented the KGB terrorist attacks! In Moscow, under the guise of the Mosgaz officer penetrated the apartment terrorist !!! Brutal beast of Armenians V. Jionesian and chopped the Russian and even children for the sake of profit! Alive did not leave anyone! Who remembers! All Moscow panicoval, trembled from fear! Now Armenian syndrome in 40 years auzzled in St. Petersburg! The dominance of Russian immigrants from the USSR was not encouraged in Armenia. In Armenia, no Russian journalist will give "torture"! They will simply disappear when mysterious circumstances! This is not the Baltic states! Is it possible to submit the Russian Ushakov Mayer of Yerevan? Cyrillic in Armenia? Do not allow you to start a film studio even the famous Menshovka, Mikhalkov, Govorukhin! They do not stick to the talk show! They have just a conscience! As the famous Mosfilm captured caught Armenians of Karen with the help of the Ku's functionar of the Father! Why not russian, but got to steer Armenians? How did he succeed? While the Russians slept! Now he sticks out regularly on the current show! Do not allow Russian even to have a shop Kiosk in Yerevan! Armenia is not a friendly state! It's a delusion! They are hidden despised Russia! In Moscow, Armenians V. Karapetyan, taxi driver Profeliner! Much perhaps several thousand Russians! Skillfully noted traces of the crime and with his father! What does Maara Baghdasaryan create in Moscow? Therefore, Andranik Migranyan politician praised and admired Adolf Hitler for the whole world! In the USSR, distributed from institutions to the Union republics! Like a Russian culture! Including in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Central Asia! Everywhere young professionals took well, except for Armenia! They were not allowed to work and oppressed, including in everyday life! Armenians have armed before the beautiful Russian girls brazenly brazenly! They were defenseless in Armenia! So Ruben Grigoryan Armenians Single-eyed Side! Pouched by the acid Miss Sochi-98 for the failure of sex! She is now blinding disabled beggar without drugs! And they threw Russian and Russia! I wonder what I would have done with Armenians V. Putin! If they were attempted on his daughters, Armenians hung up? And they from the shame of despair ran off, to turn everything into Azerbaijan or home! Now Russians, Armenians and Jews will be fully living in Azerbaijan and Turkey! To strengthen the power of the economic and military! V. Putin and Russia should urgently close with Azerbaijan! It will be pragmatic! Long about-Armenian policy for Russia is detrimental primarily for the Russian Orthodox people! Not profitable economically and politically! They have stones and Armenians! No more than anything! Therefore, the Turkic peoples are wary of Russia because of Armenians! And yet R. Erdogan about the coughing warned the noble V. Putin! We need V. Wolfovich to appoint the general ambassador to Turkey!
And Bulgaria Orthodox all refugees, Russians, officers, nobles, Cossacks, Tatars of Jews! "I expelled" from your land after the revolution !!!! Until now, it is shy to the communists! As V. Zhirinovsky! The results were four times the enemy of Russia !!! Attacked Serbia! There was an ally of the Germans in the First World War against Russia! In World War II, there was an ally of the fascists !!!! Captive Russians, Tatars, Jews, Turks, besides the Chuvish, blinkers shot! Determinate monuments of the victims of Russians so far! Placed voluntary American soldiers on their territory !!! And now the sanctions supported Bulgarians against Russia! Put a pig of Russia again !!!! Bulgarians were the worst enemies of Russia of Turkey and Tatars !!!! Although under the Soviet power were cluster !!!! They had privileges like Cuba! With the sad ominous title associated Bulgar --Titanic Tatar !!!! Happened, tragedy in Tatarstan !!!! Bulgar ship! Utopil 122 innocent passengers with children of Russian Tatars and others !!!! The ship Altai also encountered the Bulgarian dredge, were affected !!!! This is the sign of God Allah, who has shown once again that we are Tatars, and not Bulgars !!!! This is the answer of the "God of Allah" Bulgarists - enemies !!!! The evidence of Vanga was "Macedonka" but not Bulgaria !!!! The poor thing Orthodox Bulgarians and special services, robbed to death !!!! Who, of course, wants to hear! Wanta in exchange for supporting the leadership of a young new Russia! I demanded to recognize Macedonia's long-suffering homeland from Bulgaria and Greece not dependent !!!! Request without red tape was immediately implemented by the leadership of Russia !!!! In Eurovision, Russia was represented by our Dina Garipov! And against Dean and Russia, the counter campaign was openly Vyl F. Kirkorov Bulgarian !!!! This traitor, the depravant not "traditional" parasitates for a long time in Russia! And, even now, promotes, in Russia, without conceiving fagots !!!! He also insulted a tactless Armenian journalist! If Philip offset the Chechen girl, then in Bulgaria would take it! Now TNV in Tatarstan is impossible to watch! All with disgust turn off the channel! Total mocking, show the clip "Bulgar Radios" !!!! This is how you can hate your Tatar people! And put on him "Bulgarian muzzle" traitors! Having flooding a beer beer !!!! What can be "Bulgar Radios" in Tatarstan, fobby probably? There must be Tatar Radio and Point !!!!! Communicate Tatars "Mankurts" !!! It is necessary to take an example of the Russians, they are smart passing than our leaders of the republic !!!! Polyanskoye, Treated, Greek, Zyryanskoye, Slavyanskoye, Katsapskoe, Ukrainian Radio! Russian patriot does not call! And Russian radio, point !!!! Even Ishtyakhabashi did not call her radio Ishtyak !!!! Ischtyaki were the eels of the Siberian, the popens of the ssytyakam - Hantam! Take a look in the encyclopedia of the book in the library do not be lazy !!!! They are nomads from Siberia! Bashkirs of the Ischtyakov called the Tatars, and the Russians, as they were, the luxury trauma and scabies were sick, they smelled badly, and did not wash in the bath! Also, among Bashishchek, household prostitution was common !!!!! Therefore, the Russian competent administration knew the Tatar language perfectly well! And changed the ethnonym "Ishtyak" on the nickname "Bashkir" and secured documented in the Urals !!!

And the deputies are not passical instruments should know !!!

Tatarlyktan Tatars һich Gar ITәrme
Keshe Isman Inquiry ITRM.
Tatarlykta Tatar Corners Tatarmann,
Tatars Tâtell Dimә - Bash "Warnimn !!!!
Dartman Ramiev !!!!

Tatar music and speech is caressing!
My advice, listen to the music written by Sh. Sharipov "Jean Zhyleys" !!!

Watch the series "Magnificent Century"!

"Ballik" - "I remember" !!!

It will be a sense of Tatars, and it will remain safe !!!!

yura 04/12/2017 at 12:15.

Pig and her place in Islam and Science !!!

Let's talk about a pig and her place in science and religions. We will listen to what Allah says in the Quran: "About you who believed! Eat the goods we put you, and thank Allah if you worship! After all, he forbade you only a man and blood, and pig meat; And what is not broken off for Allah ...
In one of his Hadithov who handed over Jabir Ibn Abdill, the Prophet said: "Allah and his envoy banned trade in alcohol, desiccine, pork and trade in idols, that is, monuments! Then people asked him: about the messenger of Allah! Is it possible to use fat or pig fat for lubricating ships so that they do not rust, or as cosmetics, or as a candle? .. The Prophet replied: No! It is forbidden! And he added, and there will be a world over him: "Allah declared war to the Jews when he forbade them fat, pigs, and they reworked him, sold, and fed at the expense of this money."
Now we will listen to what the Sacred Books of Christians and Jews are talking about, despite their distortion!
In the third book, Moiseeva "Levit" in Chapter 11 in verses of the 7th and 8th says: "And the pig, because the hooves are twisted and on the hooves incision deep, but she does not chew a chewing cheer: the unclean she is for you; Meat do not eat them and do not touch the corpses; Unclean they are for you;
And also in the book of the New Testament from Mark in Chapter 5 in verses 11, 12 and 13, we read: "And there was a big flock of pigs, and asked him all the demons, saying:" Let us go in pigs to enter our They are! Jesus immediately allowed them! And unclean spirits, released, entered pigs. "
Also in the religion of the Hindus and in Buddhism is shameful and indecent to eat pig meat!

The most prominent Chinese scientist San Siu, wrote in his famous book about medicine that pork strengthens impotence, asthma and rheumatism!
In the American newspaper "Washington Post" dated May 31, 1952 in the article "Dangers for a man who eats a pig meat" said: that every sixth person eating pigs is ill with trichinoe disease.
Trichina is a parasitic round worm, whose larvae settle in the muscles, and this disease occurs in a person who consumes fat or pig meat! 8 There is no biological or chemical drug and vaccinations against this disease, these worms can live in the human body more than forty years, And only the only way out of this position is to quit a pig meat!
But what he wrote about the pig of Christian monk "Ingir Ben" in his book "every road has the beginning." He writes the following: What many people come to him who love to eat pork, and they all ask: "Will we get into hell if we eat a pig meat?"
The monk answered them: "The case is not the fact that you will get to - in paradise or in hell, and things in your health! And you certainly free in your choice - you can eat, you can not eat, but only you yourself will answer your choice when you get sick!
In Islam, there is such wisdom: Allah prohibits healthy people, and doctors forbid already sick people. And very interesting, the monk says about the position on the meat processing plant! If there is one of the pigs with pinchosomatosis, then you need all the pigs of the remaining destroy and bury into the ground! There is no other way to eliminate this disease. At the same time, the meat processing plant suffers great losses!
Sheetomatosis (Bilgarciasis) is a disease caused by a man three types of worms:
Trematode is the class of parasitic flat worms parasitic in the blood vessels, where the females lay eggs!
The second type of worms is urinary schistosomatosis - proceeds with a predominant defeat of the urogenital system!
And the third appearance is intestinal and Japanese - with the defeat of the digestive tract!
Then this monk tells about the Arabs and about the Turks. During the war, this monk was in the hospital, and saw the wounded Germans, Turks and Arab!. And he says that the Arabs and Turks wounds were healing faster than the Germans, because they don't eat pork, and the Germans love pork! Many know that they are characteristic of a pig - dirt! And the fact that she attacks mice, rats, even if the pig will find a dead pig, then she doesn't bother her - eat it! There are cases when pigs have eaten little children !!!
This meat causes allergies, asthma and rheumatism. In the magazine (UAE) No. 1771, April 5, 1985, the London Scientist noticed that those people who eat a pig meat are mainly sick of the same disease - liver cirrhrosis, but scientists could not determine what way a person falls!
Looking at the British newspaper: "Neiset", it became clear that in the study of many European countries, in the advantage of the use of pork and alcohol - France - ranks first, where 30 people die every year from the liver cirrhosis !!!
Now let's talk about the qualities of fat pig! In the meat of pigs between the muscles there are thick layers of fat, which makes it difficult to digest food, while the meat of the ram and cow between the muscles have a thin layer of fat, which makes meals with digestion !!!
Also, the fat of the pig is not digested in humans! It remains in the human body as pork fat, finding a place there. Especially this fat falls on the inner walls of blood vessels! As for the fat of the ram and cows, it is easily digested and transformed into human fat, then participates in the life of the body !!!
Imam Miscele explained that food, passing through the human body, affects his character, behavior!
By nature, the pig loves to enjoy the pig very much, and that this quality of her character has not passed towards a person, Allah banned him to people !!!
Ibn Haldun said that the Arabs, the time immemorial feeding by camel meat, gained rigidity and hardness character! The Turks, feeding in the main horse, since they found rudeness of nature, because the horse is rude in nature, and the Europeans, feeding the pork, has gained pamurn in their characters, that is, self-religious mediation between a man and a woman to facilitate their entry into a sexual connection !!! Lucky
Of the 450 diseases of the pig 57 diseases are infectious, the rest are not infectious, such as cirrhosis of the liver, indentation of the stomach, the blockage of the veins, the extinguishing of the hair, the weakening of memory, impotence, complication of rheumatism, complication of asthma, and also expanding fat bubbles in the human body cavity, allergic to Food and influence on the modesty and pride of man !!!!
Directly only from the pig passes a person 27 illnesses - either immediately, or through some animal! Such diseases like: Bulbarium Palsy, Veil's disease, gold, brucellosis, grinding pigs and so on!
Diseases of transition from a pig to a person for the causal factor on:
- diseases parasitic viral, bacteriological, fungal, and allergic.
Parasitic diseases in pig 66, of which 30 diseases pass to man, and these diseases are divided by parasites:
- single-celled parasitic diseases, diseases with flat worms, diseases with ribbon worms or ascaris, with round worms, external diseases, that is, skin parasite!
Now we will talk about viral diseases of the pig! There are only 34 of them. And 8 of them are moving to a person !!!
Bacteriological diseases in pig 15. And they all go to the person!
And with fungal diseases go from a pig to a person !!!
And finally - this is an allergic disease and their number - 10. They are the result of the reception of pork as a food !!!
Now list the names of these diseases: dysentery, Ascaris, aplastic anemia, paralysis, bulbar, acute dysentery, measles disease pigs, flea, scrofula, erysipelas, mumps, intestinal worms, clonorchiasis, enflyuentsa in pig, Japanese meningitis, meningitis, referring to the shell head brain ostrogolovye worms in pigs, scabies, tuberculosis, trichinosis, tennoz, and this type of pig tapeworm, salmonella, hookworm !!!!
Now we list the names of occupational diseases, which ill people working with pigs and serving them! Many of them have already been named, and add the following: carotid disease, brucellosis, tapeworm, anthrax !!!!
Now list the diseases that a person becomes ill after drinking or eating: measles disease pigs, intermittent fever, amebicheskaya dysentery, tuberculosis, called Patti! This is a kind of disease, which is impossible to study and treat !!!
Many people ask the question: why countries with high development of medicine and technology are not aware of the danger and harm carries a pig? In answering this question, we say that they are very well aware, and most of the information in this article is taken from their own books and the results of their own investigations !!!!
In the West, the principle is that they are better reduce the harm caused by the problem than destroy the cause of the problem !!!
And by eating pork, they know that it is bad, harmful, dangerous and disgusting that it is enough to look at the pigs, and the economic risk to pig farmers, engaged in pigs, because it is the 3rd sortable meat, and is suffering from its evil, only the poor and illiterate Human! And the day will come when each pig carcass, and on each package of meat pigs, and on every product from pork is stamped with the inscription:
"Ministry of Health warns! It is dangerous for your health, do not eat it! " As it is now written on the cigarette packets !!!!
We have presented to you reasonable evidence of the wicked pig and opened you some wisdom of the prohibition of meat and fat pig with a medical point of view, to tell you the following: - My duty is to appeal to Allah, knowledgeable and wise, and my duty to humanity prompted me to say, to those who love to eat pig meat in the west and east, I say: "Open your eyes to the truth, and let us judge science. Allah says in the Qur'an: "Indeed, it is evil ..."
We have prepared this article sincerely for the sake of Allah and then for the sake of your good to free you from your insatiable desires that harbor you !!!!
And I am in conclusion, I will tell you that heart calm and mental joy is faith in Allah !!!! And Allah in the Quran tells her Messenger: "And we sent you only as mercy for the worlds."
Ahmad Javad!
Doctor, Veterinarian (UAE)!
Editor's: Shaimiev and his soyxist company:
If you yourself are already like a pig, then you eat her meat, gentlemen !!!!!

So answered the famous Islamic veterinarian and scientists of the world for breeding Shaimievsky pig breeding in Tatarstan! It is necessary to add to the production of pork and Vodka Tatarstan brought to the first place in Russia !!!!! Horse breeding did not specifically developed, slowed down !!!!!

yura 04/12/2017 at 12:16.

0 What was silent than Shaginyan?

In October, in one of the St. Petersburg newspapers ("New Petersburg) was published an interview with Alexander Kutenhev, where information about Alexander III's extramarital children was sounded.
The newspaper decided to contact Alexander Pavlovich and clarify this question.
Alexander Pavlovich, Alexander Pavlovich, can not tell you about the extramarital children of Alexander III?
AK: Alexander III really had a lot of extramarital children, since he was a man with rampant and strange. There were historical celebrities among children. In particular, Alexander Ulyanov, Senior Brother Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The fact is that Maria Alexandrovna, Lenin's mother, was Freillan at the court of Alexander II. When Alexander III was just a great prince, he had an affair with Maria Alexandrovna, she had a son of Alexander's son in Maiden. History knows a lot of such examples: in Russia they treated Humanno to bastards - they gave the princely title, attributed to the Guards Regiment. Known that Lomonosov was the son of Peter I, Prince Bobrinsky - the son of Potemkin and Catherine II, Razumovskaya - the extramarital son Elizabeth. All of them, as you know, made a wonderful career and never felt sores. The same fate was also prepared by Alexander, Brother Lenin.
But Maria Alexandrovna spoiled everything: after Alexander, she had given birth to a child - a girl, and to Alexander III, this girl had no relation to anything. To keep Freillan with two children in the court, it was indecent. To lean the scandal, decided to transfer the work of the guard. The guard found an unfortunate man in St. Petersburg - Gomosexual Ilya Ulyanova. As a person with a non-traditional sexual orientation, he was on the hook at the guards. He was given to the nobility title, a breadth place in the province, and newlyweds went to Simbirsk.
And all this prehistory was too jumped if not a passionate temple of Mary Alexandrovna. She did not differ in Simbirsk with strict behavior, and although she could not have sex with Ilya Nikolayevich, she could not have given birth to four more children unknown from which fathers.
You can imagine what was the children of Ulyanovy in the gymnasium. In a small town, everything immediately becomes famous, and the boys teased their peers of Ulyanov: They were remembered and mammy, and the king, and Ilya Nikolaevich. Ultimately, all this has adversely affected Alexander: he grew up very embittered with the desire, by all means to slap the daddy. With these plans, he left for St. Petersburg to study. The rest all organized a security guard. As in our time, the special services organized the Popular Front and other democratic organizations. There, in those distant times, the guard helped Alexander Ulyanov to enter the People's Revolutionary Organization and take part in the attempt on the king.
As soon as Maria Alexandrovna learned that the Son was arrested for an attempt on the king, she immediately went to St. Petersburg and appeared to Alexander III. Amazing business: No source is amazed that no one has a well-known poor symbirsk noblewoman without any deal at the reception to the king! (However, historians were never surprised by the fact that the dates of birth of the first two children of Ulyanov were preceded by the date of the wedding of Ilya and Mary). And Alexander III accepted his old passion immediately, and they visited Sasha together in the fortress. The king forgave "Tsaryubitza", promising to give him a princely title, write down in the guard. But Sasha was with character, he said everything he thinks about both his parents. And he promised them that, as soon as it is on freedom, there will be a publicity with all their shameless history and will definitely move the bomb in the daddy! Therefore, the freedom of Alexander Ulyanov was never released, and sent to a mental hospital, where he died by his death in 1901. Historians do not converge on the ways of execution, but there was no execution.
So Maria Alexandrovna indirectly influenced the fate of his eldest son. Not very lucky in such a family and subsequent children. As Ilya Nikolayevich knew that children were not him, he treated them as potential objects of his love affection. Sasha as the son of the king he never touched, but Volodya got all his ferventhood love. In his youth, Vladimir Ilyich was very attractive. As a mother protested, she was powerless to defend his son: Ilya Nikolayevich joined her own behavior.
- And what is Lenin?
- He remained until the end of his homosexual. By the way, it is known all over the world, only, Soviet people did not know anything and lived in a reverent worship of the leader of the proletariat. Antoniony has a film about great homosexuals, and a special chapter is assigned to Lenin. This is written for several books.
Lenin suffered or not subsequently from his orientation, we cannot say, but in childhood it was also a difficult test for him: he rose embittered, hated the whole world. In the gymnasium, he smelled his evil on peers, fought, beat his support, with everything that he, of course, was a very talented man.
- And where do you get such inhabiting information?
- This is also a special and interesting history. At its source should Marietta. Shahinian. In 70 years, this writer wrote a book about Lenin and gained access to the archives. Apparently, archivists do not know what is hidden in the notes of an enigma. When Marietta Shahinian acquainted with papers, she was shocked and wrote a memo Leonid Brezhnev personally. Brezhnev acquainted with this information your circle. Suslov three days lying with pressure and demanding shoot Shahinian for libel. But Brezhnev acted differently: he called to him and Shahinian in exchange for silence offered her an award for a book on Lenin, apartment, etc. etc.
- And Shahinian it really get some award for a book about Lenin?
- Yes, she was awarded the Lenin Prize for his book "Four lessons of Lenin." A note was classified, and she was lying in the archive of the Central Committee of the Party. When I read this note to the archive, I wanted to see for yourself and archival materials. And I asked for a copy. All of it was so ...
From the editors. We are aware of how controversial is the reaction of readers to this publication. But times of silence and innuendo passed, hopefully forever. And accurate view of the historian, who studied the "critical situation" has every right to be heard.
And the battle continues ...

yura 12.04.2017 at 12:17

Do not vote for Ksenia Sobchak!
A. Sobchak by nationality Pole! Where demont monuments are demolished in Poland! Like this! Ksenia skillfully speculates! Moving himself into the presidential candidates in the election! Makes the arrogant challenge Putin and Russia! And this apparently blackmails with Materia V. Putin! Hint at the existing compromising, on Putin! Apparently have the information previously said by the father in the family about Putin! Write a book for history! And they believe that V.Putin is obliged to debt their family on the coffin for support! Which was fired from the KGB for the loss of confidence! Really confused humiliated, Lost V.Putin looks in the Internet! He found himself in a hopeless situation! He can only arise! V.Putin was forced to just turn to A. Sobchak! Presumably simply said! I worked in the KGB and I was kicked out! And he asked himself to A. Sobchaka to take a job! I have my own car said! Devilish Sunny A. Sobchak Oboml! Quickly realized! To him to ask for the work of the unemployed Toptun! Who allegedly apparently had problems with the law! A. Sobchak, I knew perfectly well as I did when Stalin, and regretted him! Therefore, for its political benefit, I took the unemployed Toptun to work! And provided an unknown V.Putin cover and protection against justice! Which made in the end of the Balver of Fate! But it takes to Putin to the presidency, I still didn't say A. Sobchak Ksenia! Ambitious cunning literate Pole! Methyl himself president! And for this I repeatedly poured by mud B.Leltsin! Your dad is too in a hurry and beat! Information Surroundings A. Sobchaka about the intention was merged by B.Lotzin! There was a deal behind the back of the dad! I'm not gloating! Himself got into the pit trap! He is still lucky! President B. Lucin was a democrat not a vengeful not bloodthirsty! What is the transfer of dolls on television with him! If I wanted to erase in Pole Powder! No where, he's nothing! Would not release to France! And I would hit the Tsugundder! A. B.Chabayis was a favorite at B.N. Heltsin! Therefore, A. Bubayis strongly recommended, promoted to the president of the unknown V.Putin! And of course B.N. Yeltsin listened only to A.Chabis! Stopped the choice not on Stepashin, Primakov, Chernomyrdine, Swan! And on unknown V.Putin! I must still, A. Bubai award a star of the hero! And put a monument at the life of A.Chabise Jew by nationality! Although it screamed not grateful Russian anti semites and communists! If there were Russian instead of Chubais or the communist! Russians would have been without apartments so far! We were lucky historically! With B.Leltsin and A. Chubais! Thank you for the privatization of apartments in the property! Under the Communists, we were straymen even in poor apartments! Who is unhappy let them give up the privatization of apartments? Let's see who refuses? In this, Ksenia is ballating into the presidents in Poland or in Ukraine, and not in Russia! Crimea joined everything to Russia all! Although pensions are still the most Nishchenskie in rich Russia! Posted on pension seats in Russia! Who? Children lack Yasnel and Garden! Lack of money even on the funeral! Morges crowded without war! Medicines expensive lack money for utilities !! The people are elementary starving and dying into rich Russia! Round Russians eat at night in trash cans! Even in rich Moscow! Rich deputies passive let night go near the garbage tanks! And in the provinces people survives something like! How to war! We must make a bench pension as in Germany or Poland! Where there is no gas, oil, coal, gold, platinum, diamonds, iron, copper, forests, flies, fish, water !!!!


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