How to make a course work

How to make a course work

Course works, or as they are called - projects, do absolutely all students. They learn from the correctness of the execution of all subsequent similar works and diplomas, including. The project imposes some regulatory requirements. They relate to visual design and information filling.

Course work is issued by typewritten text. It is allowed to use only white sheets of A4 format (it is 210 by 297 cm). Main requirements for text:

  • It is located only on one of the sides of the sheet.
  • The height of numbers and letters is not less than 1.8 mm. Font Times New Roman: 12 with half an interval or 14 with a double interval.
  • Fields: left - no less than 30 millimeters; right - no less than 10 millimeters; upper - no less than 15 millimeters; Lower - no less than 20 millimeters;
  • Headlines - in the middle lines.
  • An indentation from the header to the text is 3 intervals (up and down).
  • Every new paragraph - from the "Red Row".

Total exchange rate - 20-40 sheets of typewritten text.

On the title page, the following information is placed:

  • Theme course work;
  • The name of the institution;
  • Title of the department;
  • Group number;
  • Surname of the student;
  • Surname of the head;
  • Protection date.

Sample of the filled title course work on our website.

Any course consists of such required sections:

  • Content;
  • Introduction;
  • Main part;
  • Conclusion;
  • List of references.

Download Currency Content Sample.

Introduction is short and meaningful. It tells how the topic will be considered in the course, its relevance, and the full and detailed characteristic of the work performed is given.

Currency introduction sample we have.

The main part is divided into sections that fully reveal the subject. If necessary, the sections can be divided into subsections.

Sample of the main part of the course work See here.

The conclusion consists of the outcome of the work done and the conclusions where the developments on this course can be applied. The list of references includes all the materials used to write a course project. With examples of registration of the conclusion and literature, you can also read our website.

Currency Conclusion - Sample
List of references - sample

If you know how to draw up a course work, it does not make any work on my own. Moreover, we gave you samples of the design of all sections that should be in the course work. You now need only to decide on the topical topic and find useful literature on your subject.

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