Top 10 best serials

Top 10 best serials

If you like movies, and especially the series, then this article will help learn about the best news of cinema. The rating of the top of the most interesting serials was compiled according to the reviews of the audience, so this top 10 is the most truthful and independent. Please note that all the series described below absolutely recently entered wide rental and have not yet claim the title of the most popular TV series of all time.

"Big little lie"

The main heroines of the series Jane, Celeste and Madeleine live measured and quite prosperous life in a small coastal town. All of them have children who study in the same school and precisely the concerns about their schoolchildren most associated girlfriends. The measured life of the heroine is broken at one moment when a strange and mysterious murder takes place at school. The death incident happens a day when a parent holiday is held at school, on which there are naturally there are three girlfriends. Intrigue about who was killed and who committed this crime holds until the end of the series.

The producers of the mini-series "Big Little Lie" became Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon. Not only viewers, but telecademy members, were appreciated by all the well-known stars. The film received as much as eight figurines "Emmy", and Time magazine called this series one of the best TV series of this year.

"Major Story"

The series was shot on the book Margaret Evwood, whose novel with the same name became a real bestseller. The action of the film occurs in a fictional state with the totalitarian regime of the board. The goblead is the name of this totalitarian enclave and it develops on the basis of the worst laws. One of these laws is about the fact that from the pair of hundreds of women only one has the right to give birth to a child. The rulers of the state choose girls who can give birth in the future, and withdraw them from families. Future mothers set in special closed camps, where they are humiliated so that they stop perceiving themselves with personalities. Along with this, units are losing their names and they begin to call them "servants."

The series is built on the story of such a maid, which Elizabeth Moss played. In the book of the famous writer, the state of the Golead is located on the site of the current United States of America. The "maid story" was the most anticipated TV series and today he beats all records in terms of its views. The executor of the leading role for his amazing and very difficult work received the cherished statuette of Emmy.


The series about Great Einstein is filmed on the basis of his real biography. The film covers the period of his life, starting from the moment he being already a famous person could not achieve a doctoral degree, and ending with the discovery by scientists of the theory of relativity. The series basically tells about the scientific discoveries of Einstein, but there is a lot of information in it, and how it was not easy for a scientist to find official work, and how he languished love flour. And in the film there is a real intrigue, resembling a psychological thriller.

The series starred such famous actors like Emily Watson and Jeffrey Rush. Unfortunately, the series "Genius" did not receive a single AMMI award, but the audience and highly appreciated his informality and interest.


Those viewers who love the well-known TV series "Abbatsto Dounton" will gladly look at the series "Liar". The historical era and the events of these two films do not intersect, but both the amazing actress Joan Froggatt was filmed in them. It is because of her games, the British series is very interesting, especially since the topic with sexual subtext is revealed.

The series begins with the fact that the Laura teacher spends the evening with the surgeon Andrew - his son is studying at her school. In the morning of the next day, it turns out that as a result of this meeting, a victim appeared. Both heroes accuse each other in the happening, but the topness of violence, his causes and the culprit, the viewer lets only at the very end.

"Young Dad"

The eternal theme of the thirst for power is the topic of this series. It is told about how the youngest in the history of dads, American Cardinal Lenny Belardo became these Pope. The opposing experienced cardinals have led to the top of power, who hoped to manipulate the young man for their own purposes. But Lenny Belardo gave conformity to the Cardinals and became a real dad, which truly loved the simple people.

The series also scandalous revealed themes, which at all times accompany the Church: pedophilia, business, internal intrigues. The series "Dad" was removed very beautifully and stylishly and this is the merit of his director Paolo Sorrentino. Recently, the director officially stated that in 2018 he will shoot the second season and the new series will be even more interesting.


A young girl in front of his holidays on the beach of people makes multiple wounds with a young man, while using a sharp knife for cleaning fruits. What pushed her to this terrible act, why it would seem a completely outsider who was killed, how did the husband and son of the main character survived this tragedy, in the eyes of which she committed a crime? The series gives all these questions, but the truth will open at its very end.

The film's intrigue is the moment that this cruel and merciless killing was provoked by the old psychological injury of the killer. Dogs to the origins of this injury, one policeman who did not investigate this crime on generally accepted canons, but acted as a psychologist. Critics believe that at least two figurines of the "Golden Globe", this series will surely conquer.


The series is dedicated to the eternal opposition of famous actresses. In this case, this is Joan Crawford and Bett Davis. Two Hollywood kinodys compete in different categories. One of them is more mature and more talented. The second is more young and brighter. Who will choose a director? Who will look on the screen more winning? Who do the audience want to see more? These questions do not quietly live with two celebrities and they go to all sorts of tricks to pump each other. And the answer is quite banal and simple: no matter how they fought for a lined role, absolutely other people will decide for them, sometimes even distant from cinema.

The plot of the first season of this very interesting series was devoted to Hollywood actresses. But the second season directed by Ryan Murphy promised to devote to the relationship between Prince Charles and Princess Diana. A sharp change of heroes, but the old name "Enmity" speaks for themselves for themselves: the entire people will be engaged among themselves, even those on which the life of the country depends.


The artist Tom Hardy long ago became a pet for many viewers. The lineup of bright memorable images supplemented his role in the TV series "taboo", where he played James Dewini. The main character was long ago considered dead, so when he unexpectedly appeared at the funeral of his father, the inhabitants of one of London's districts were discouraged. It turns out that all these many years he traveled the world and did not just look at the new mills, but constantly alarmed into some strange and mystical stories. His life was bright and fascinating, but after the death of his father she became also rich. It turns out that the Father left him a lot of real estate and even an island in North America.

The new life of James began with the fact that he learned that the death of his father was violent - he was crowded with arsenic. Who did this? What was killed by a native person? How to take revenge on the killer? All this is told in the first season "Taba". Given the great interest of the audience to the TV series, the authors are going to take his continuation.

"Mind Hunter"

The series was shot in a thriller genre with a bias in a detective. Two FBI Agent work in a specialized department, which is engaged in what attracts to the disclosure of various crimes of these criminals. FBI employees use for this serial killers who are serving lifelong time in prison. FBI Agents Bill Tench and Holden Ford due to personal qualities are excellent psychologists. They are entitled to confidence in the killers concluded and bring their motives and the reasons why people go to crimes. In personal conversations, they seem to be implemented in the mind of convicts and mentally becoming in their place understand how to reveal this or another crime.

The series is interesting because the basis of the FBI agents worked in its framework, which worked in the late 70s of the last century. The series, as one of the best, was already marked by Time newspapers, Vanity Fair and The Guardian.

"Incredible Mrs. Meisel"

Drama with comedy notes - this is how it is possible to name the genre of this series. The main heroine Meizel, which is called MJ in the cinema (reducing from the original name), remains abandoned by his husband. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the heroine in his hands remain two small children. Previously, a compelling woman and attentive mother breaks down because of the betrayal of her husband and starts in all the grave, in 1950 they were called quite ordinary actions today. Midge goes to the pub, climbing the scene and says an angry, filled with a monologue dedicated to men. Bar's visitors on the one hand condemn her courage, on the other hand admire its talent for a brief and capacious statement about the misfortune of many women of those years.

The series reveals the problem of the fifties when a woman was forbidden to express their discontent. In those years it was believed that their lotion was: cooking, cleaning, education of children and male detention.

Lovers of detective serials can familiarize themselves with Top 10 in this video:

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