What to do dad on February 23

What to do dad on February 23

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday that is made widely celebrated in Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space. Nevertheless, a gift for a man often choose very difficult. Moreover, if a child wants to congratulate his father from February 23, his choice is rather limited: usually children make cards and crafts with their own hands.

However, adults often give gifts created by the personally, because this is an invaluable mark of attention. In this article, we will consider various interesting crafts on February 23: from simple options for the smallest to enough complex, which can take note of adults.

Postcards on February 23 for the smallest

The postcard is the easiest gift that the child can make. Often postcards for the holidays of children are taught to do in kindergartens and schools, although you can do these along with the child and at home. This is an excellent opportunity to tell the baby, where he served his dad, and pleasantly spend time behind the creative process. By making a postcard for the holiday, you can take advantage of the following ideas:

  • Instead of an ordinary rectangular postcard, you can cut various figures. For example, a postcard can be in the form of a tie, tank or ship. It is important to gently apply the pattern and cut it so that the postcard keeps the form.
  • You can try to make a bulk card. To do this, the folding line must be cut twice across. When you reveal a postcard, you will see a movable strip of paper on which you can stick any figure. Such options leave a lot of space for fantasy and make your postcard even more interesting.
  • Try using additional materials to decorate your postcard. It can be ribbons, foils, beads or fabric. So the image will be even more beautiful and unusual.

Crafts for children on February 23

Children can make not only postcards, but also crafts for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland for their fathers. DIY can be very different - from clay, cardboard, foam rubber or wood. Here are some ideas that can be learned to create crafts on February 23:

  • Crafts from clay or plasticine is one of the easiest options. A child can cut the plane, a tank, a ship or even the dad himself. The most practical will be handicraft from a special clay for children's creativity, which freezes in air. Such a craft does not have to burn, but it will be much stronger than the craft of plasticine. Usually, this clay is not distinguished by a variety of colors, but the finished product can be painted.
  • You can make a craft of paper. Adults can tell the child how to do and cut such a drawing - in places where paper parts are connected, you need to leave some white paper, with which you then glide the design. If you want a more durable handicraft, you can take a dense cardboard.
  • Older children can make a craft from a tree - boys must learn this at school in labor lessons. It can be like a purely decorative handicraft to the holiday, and quite practical thing - for example, a stool, a mounted shelf or a tablet stand.
  • Show fantasy. The plane can be made from a plastic bottle, and the tank is from the foam sponges. The main thing is to make the crawl carefully and think about the details.

Crafts for adults on February 23

Sometimes dad can be nice to get a gift made by your own hands, even from adult children. These gifts are the highest manifestation of attention, because it is much more difficult to make such a thing than just go and buy a typical gift for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. If you think about creating a gift with your own hands, consider the following options:

  • The easiest gift with your own hands is a baked cake. Now, with the advent of mastic and syringe for cream, it is beautifully decorated to decorate a cake even at home. With due accuracy, you will manage to make an interesting cake in the form of a tank, an airplane or a shirt with a tie.
  • If you know how to knit, you will be easily pleased with a man for the holiday. You can associate as a simple scarf or cap, and more complex things - socks, gloves, or even sweater.
  • With your own hands you can make a simple craft from the skin. For example, it can be a key or keychain.
  • From felt you can also make a lot of crafts - for example, make a beautiful case on a mug as you see in the picture.

There is nothing more valuable than a gift with your own hands. If you want, you can find many interesting options for crafts on February 23 and for the smallest, and for adults. It doesn't matter what it will be - a postcard, a decorative workout or the desired and useful gift. The main thing is that it is in such gifts that the most love is invested.

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