In order to form an accounting balance, it is necessary to make an AD (reverse saldan statement). It is a form in which the remains of the status at the beginning, the end of the scale of the balance of the balance, and here includes data on the debit, loan for this period for each sub-account. Vedomosti are of different types: according to analytical, synthetic accounts and chess. The ASS is possible to be made only after the preparation of wiring on accounts: write off cost, depreciation accrual, counting all forms of profit.
So, all data is prepared, it remains to fill tablewhich can be easily downloaded on the Internet. Her hat consists of five main columns: account number, its name, "residue at the beginning of the month", "Turns for this month", "Balance at the end of this month." The last three are still divided into subsections: "Debit", "Credit".Download right here on the portal:
For what makes the WORD (a reverse saldan statement);
Blank-sample arches (reverse salvary statement);
Blank-sample arches (reverse saldular statement) - completed example.
Here, see examples:
In an arithmetic calculation, the result must be identical for both vertical and horizontal columns. If the data did not coincide, then in the calculations error. It will take a complete check of a chess table. After that, the accountant forms a balance report.It is not difficult to arrange a working outer statement according to the postings. The main thing is not to make mistakes in the documentation, since the ASS is important for companies and enterprises. After all, on the basis of the end results, this table discharges other reports into controlling organizations. And they, in turn, finding inaccuracies, accrue fines, which is a loss for the company.
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