How to open a synthetic account

How to open a synthetic account

Speaking the phrase "open a synthetic account", imply the filling of the relevant accounting documents, because This type of account is fundamentally different from banking due to its destination. Synthetic accounts are created to take into account the property, various economic processes and obligations in generalized in monetary terms in accounting. They serve to analyze economic activity and are the source of the formation of the balance of the enterprise.

For convenience, all existing accounts are classified according to certain features. This classification is nationwide and is called "Chart of Accounts", which is a scheme for registering and systematizing perfect actions on business activities in accounting. Synthetic accounts are first order accounts that are specified by subaccounts (second-order accounts).

Account plan can be downloaded here.

Account card

For each account, a card is conducted, which indicates the code and name of the account, the remains at the beginning of the period carried out by the economic operation for the period and the results at the end of the period. Because Accounts can be passive, active or active passive, then there are some features in filling out documents for each type of accounts. In active accounts on the debit account, the balance is reflected in the initial and final, which is equal to the amount of the initial balance and turnover on the debit less the credit turnover.

Scheme of active account

In passive accounts, the initial and final balance is reflected in the loan, in this case the final balance is equal to the sum of the initial and turnover of the loan minus the debit turnover.

Passive account scheme

Active passive accounts have their own filling features:

  • the "initial residue" column indicates the amount of receivables at the beginning of the period, and in the "final of the debit turn" - at the end of the period;
  • the turnover on the debit account is to increase receivables or reduced by payables;
  • the initial loan balance reflects payables at the beginning of the period, and the final one at the end of the period;
  • at the turnover in the account in the "Credit" column, an increase in payables or a decrease in receivables is recorded.

Active Passive Account Scheme

Synthetic accounts are reflected in the operating and salad statement of the enterprise. The first statement is compiled when creating an enterprise and is zero. This type of financial statements is carried out constantly with a certain periodicity: monthly, quarterly and / or annually. Registration of the operating statement:

  • the first and second graphs are the numbers and names of all accounts for which there are remnants at the beginning of the period, first enter active, then passive;
  • using each account data, reflect the appropriate amounts in the statement using the rules for calculating the final balance;
  • in the last line "Total" summarizes the results on all columns, and three equalities must be observed: the initial balance of the debit is equal to the initial loan balance, respectively, for turnover and end balance.

Blank of the operator on our website.

Example of a filled operating station we have.

Reverse Sald Vedomost Blank

Document proceed in the enterprise begins with primary accounting documents, on the basis of which a statement on analytical accounting is created, in turn they are the basis for synthetic accounting.

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