How to quickly open a settlement account

How to quickly open a settlement account

Starting business activities, one of the first steps to be done - to open a current account. The account is required for settlements with other entrepreneurs and organizations, if the amount exceeds 100 thousand rubles. How to choose a bank and what documents are needed to open a current account?

The proposals for the opening of the current account are so different from each other, which is sometimes hard to figure out how far these conditions are profitable. Even if the Bank has a high cost of opening an account, its service rates may be much cheaper than in the institution with the initial low payment.

Opening of the RSH account

You should not be seduced by a high rating of famous banks - their services are often much more expensive than in small credit and financial institutions. The easiest way to choose an institution to open a current account is to consult with more experienced entrepreneurs. Another good way is on the Internet to familiarize yourself with the tariffs of all city banks for opening and maintenance of the account and compare them to choose the most profitable.

To open the current account, you must provide a package of documents, and in each financial organization, their list may be different. Before you go to the bank, it is worth clarifying by phone or on the organization's website, which documents are needed.

Mandatory to open the current account are such documents: a passport and certified by the notary or in the bank of its copies. You must also submit a copy of the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur certified by a notary or bank. It is worth considering that the reinforcement can be paid (40 - 100 rubles per sheet). An extract from the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs, issued not earlier than 30 days before the submission of documents is also necessary. In addition, you will need a certificate of an entrepreneur registration for tax, as well as if necessary, a copy of licenses for carrying out activities and copies of patents.

Right in the bank is drawn up contract for opening and maintenance of the account, card with signature and printing samples. When issuing documents, not an entrepreneur himself, but its trustee, it is necessary to provide a power of attorney, certified by signature and seal, a copy of the passport of an entrepreneur and a document that certifies the identity of the representative.

Many firms offer assistance to entrepreneurs in opening a current account in a banking institution, but you can save tangible tools and solve everything yourself. First of all, you need to choose a reliable financial and credit institution, study the tariffs for opening and servicing the current account and collect the necessary documents. The rest of the procedure does not take much time, but you will be sure that you made the right choice.

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