How to open a brokerage account

How to open a brokerage account

The brokerage account is an agreement between the brokerage company and the investor, according to which the investor contributes to the company's deposit accounts, places orders to his broker. There are various types of brokerage accounts and many brokerage companies.

Before opening the brokerage account, the investor must decide on which site he wants to open an account. You can use the stock market, earning with trading on promotions, bonds, or urgent market, trading options, futures. Can bring revenue and currency market Forexwhich is becoming increasingly popular. It is necessary to study in detail the information about the available brokerage offices. It will be useful to read the reviews on the Internet, but they do not always be trusted. It is best to consult someone from familiar, relatives, employees.


After you have a certificate of brokerage offices, you should find out the conditions for their cooperation and billing. This information is contained on official sites, it can also be clarified by employees of brokerage companies. We will not be assessed by companies in the following criteria:

  • business reputation;
  • term of existence on the market;
  • sales, number of customers.

The most liked companies should be visited personally to get acquainted with a person with whom in the future may have to cooperate. At this stage can already be determined with the amount you plan to invest in the opening of the brokerage account. Some brokers establish a minimum amount to open an account, in addition, depending on the amount, conditions of cooperation may vary, so it is important to carefully examine all the nuances and features of this issue. The procedure for opening a brokerage account is quite simple. Between the brokerage company and the investor consists of an agreement in which all the conditions for opening an account are indicated.

Read the rating and reviews about various brokers on the site. To date, famous brokers are:

In addition, today you can open a broker account in a bank without leaving the house using the Internet banking service.

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