How to check SRO

How to check SRO

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation, all entrepreneurs and organizations before engaged in building, designing or researching are obliged to become a member in a self-regulating organization (SRO). To make sure that the legality of any SRO must be guided by this instruction.

Go to site of Gosnadzor, Choose one of the three directions of activity, topical for the verified SRO, and by name, TIN or the recording registration number, check if the record of this SRO is present in the registry.

By clicking on the name of the SRO, you can reveal detailed information about it, note that the bookmarks in the organization's card have a lot of information that interests you may be on any of them. Each SRO should have its own official website, the reference to which is indicated on the "General" tab at the bottom line.

On the official website of the SRO must be presented documents regulating the activities of SRO, constituent documents, protocols and orders of the SRO.

On the official Internet resource of SROs, the register of members of the SRO should also be published. Make sure the number of members SRO exceeds a hundred.

Using the SRO registry, presented on the site, you are given the opportunity to compare the prices of accession to SRO. Open several sites that suitable SRO, analyze the information published there and first compare the cost of obtaining SRO membership.

Membership in SRO is not only the opportunity to carry out its activities related to construction, but also financial and property obligations that you take on, entering into the SRO, so it is important to be confident in tomorrow and progress in advance.



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