How to join SRO

How to join SRO

To date, the entry into a self-regulating organization is almost the only way to get legal access to the management of construction, designer and other works. Each self-respecting company is somewhat or later thinking about such a step. After all, from recently, the state refused to issue licenses, thereby shifting all the responsibility on the shoulders of SRO. One way or another, only accession to such an organization will allow you to act in the faces of the legal field. How to find it right, choose and join?

It should be understood that each SRO, managing specific criteria and conditions, decides on the licensing of participating companies and issuing tolerances and permits. So, before you enter the SRO, you need to make the right choice. The future of your company depends on this. After all, besides loyalty, stability and reliability there are many other, equally important selection criteria.

Kvro (1)

For confidence in the correctness of the choice, it is necessary to ask the opinion of companies already consisting in specific SRO. Also specify the list of requirements provided by certain organizations to their participants. Perhaps it will be wiser to choose a variant with fewer such. Not a small role is played by the rate of decision on your enrollment. It is stupid to believe that efficiency does not matter, especially in cases concerning important agreements and contracts.

Kvro (2)

It is equally important to take into account the territorial location of the SRO. Construction, design and architectural activities obliges to a daily solution to specific issues and clarifying nuances. What follows: The closer the office is located, the more quickly your professional activity will move. Of course, not the last moment is the initial contribution. No one wants to overpay too much, but it's not worth the cheapness. Free cheese only in a mousetrap.

Kvro (3)

When you decide on a specific SRO, make sure that your organization meets all the necessary requirements. After all, a package of important documents is not all that will require from you. As a rule, the following conditions are put forward for joining: professional retraining and advanced training, at least three professionals in the state with higher education and experience from 3 years or at least five employees with secondary professional and experience from 5 years.

Kvro (4)

Next, go to stage with documents. In different SRO, the list of papers can be different. Most often, for entry into the organization, it is necessary to provide a certificate of assigning the INN, OGRN, bank details, contact phones, coordinates, a list of types of work, information on the qualifications of participants and a manager, certificate of admission to specific types of work, an additional questionnaire, etc.


After all, check the terms of payment for joining the SRO. As a rule, the calculation is made in four points: one-time payment in the compensation fund (300 000R), a unite entry fee directly in SRO (50,000 rubles Ave), a monthly fee (Ave. 7 000R), a third party insurance fee (etc. . from 60,000 to 1.5 million P). Data is indicated taking into account the entry into the SRO builders. Other organizations: SRO designers, surveyors, energy auditors, firefighters and others have several other indicators.


Starting professional activities, do not wait for verification by supervisory authorities, fraught with immediate cessation of the existence of your company. Joining the SRO in a timely manner, you will be able to avoid unreasonable costs and stagnation in business related to violation of the law.

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Egor 21/10/2015 at 9:50

How to get a SRO? What to choose SRO? These questions are relevant and important. The most important thing is to learn everything from the right sources such as ambulance. Learn more thanks, they will quickly issue the necessary tolerance of builders, surveyors or designer and the main thing absolutely free.

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