How to learn the INN by passport data

How to learn the INN by passport data

All citizens of Russia should know their INN (individual taxpayer number). If you for some reason you do not know, I forgotten or lost the testimony in which this number is specified, a specialized online service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (FTS RF) can help in this matter. With this site, you can make an application for TIN, if you do not have it at all. First go to site FTS RF.

If the number has already been assigned to you, but you were lost - go on the link "Learn your Inn". Here by entering your passport data that will ask the system, you will see your individual taxpayer number after a while.

The passport

If you have no numbers yet, but such cases, oddly enough, happen, go to the page Here you will find all the information, how to arrange documents for receiving the INN. Here you can also leave an application for how you want to get it: personally in the tax inspection, by e-mail or by registered mail via the post office.


With the help of the online service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, you can also find out whether the Inn was assigned, for example, your cousin. To access information, you must go to the online online service page, then follow the link "Find out someone else's Inn." The system will ask for fill in the fields with all your passport data and your brother's data. If the number he was assigned, then the site will appear that the number in principle exists. But in order to get it, it will be necessary to personally come to the tax service with the following documents:

  • Your passport;
  • A copy of the passport of the brother;
  • The power of attorney from the brother that he trusts you to get a copy of His Inn;
  • Receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 100 rubles - for the services of the tax inspectorate.

In the same way, you can get the Inn of any person who will write you a power of attorney and give a copy of his passport.


As you can see, if you even lost your Inn, restore it is a matter of five minutes. The main thing is that with him you have not lost and passport. Therefore, keep documents in a safe place.

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