How to find out the court decision

How to find out the court decision

If you are a member of any trial, then the court decision will be issued in the form of a paper document. But sometimes there are cases when not being a party in the case, you would like to know what the process ended. Is it possible to find out the court's decision?

Federal Law No. 262-FZ operates in Russia "On ensuring access to information about the activities of ships in the Russian Federation". According to this document, all courts are obliged to provide citizens with free access to court decisions on any cases. Information should be placed on the Internet on the official sites of the courts.

In order to find out the court's decision, you need to know, in which court there was a concrete case, for example, in the Moscow District Homovnic. Going on his official website, go to the "judicial office work" and find the case that interests you. In the extreme right column you will see the "hearing's result."

The court is last

Suddenly you do not know, in which court it was about the case that interests you, but you know his number or the name of the participants in the process - set this data in any search engine. If the city court follows the rules for posting information on the Internet, then you will definitely find it.

There is the All-Russian website of the highest arbitration courts, his name Going on it and by going to the "Bank of decisions of arbitration courts", you can find a decision on the case you are interested in.

Arbitration 3.

Not all court decisions can be accessible to citizens. According to the law "On ensuring access to information on the activities of courts in the Russian Federation" is inaccessible to business information that was in closed mode or affect the security of the country.

Also there will be no access to:

  • about adoption;
  • about the crime against sexual integrity;
  • on the recognition of incapacity;
  • on forced hospitalization.

With the entire list of cases not subject to disclosure, you can familiarize yourself in paragraph 4 of Article 15 of this Law.

Now you know how quickly and reliably find out the court decision on a specific case.

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