How to clean aquarium

How to clean aquarium

Aquarium with its inhabitants attracts beauty, followed by constant care. Cleaning is necessary not only to give an aquarium aesthetic species, but also to maintain the health of fish and plants.

In maintaining the purity of the internal walls of the aquarium and algae, the inhabitants themselves can help. The best "cleaners" glasses serve as a snail for which the resulting dirt and Il are feed. In the fight against the cleaning of the bottom and algae, representatives of fish - Anzitrus and Molinzia will help you. They perfectly get along with all aquarium fish.

But if the water in the aquarium has already acquired a greenish-brown tint, then no fish will be able to help. Such an unpleasant color and smell of water gives a large amount of algae and the dirt accumulated on them. The source of the mud is not only fish waste, but also the remains of the unseasoned feed.

Cleaning aquarium should be started with removal of plaque of green algae, which have accumulated on the glass. With the help of a special scraper with a long handle very convenient and quickly clean the inner surface from dirt. There are still magnetic scrapers consisting of two halves, one of which is placed inside the aquarium, and the second with the handle is attached from the outside. No less effective cleaning means is the usual blade using it, be careful not to hurt.

The next stage is the cleaning of algae. Damaged and damaged leaves of aquarium plants need to be removed. From the surface of large algae, be sure to remove the mucus and dirt with the help of a sponge or piping washcloth. If necessary, we can replace algae.

After sedimentation, the mule can start cleaning the soil using a special device that will be done with their own hands from the undergraduate means - the flexible hose and plastic bottle. The hose is inserted into the neck of the bottle, the bottom of which is cut. The end of the tube with a bottle is lowered into the water and pressed to the bottom, water is sucked through the other end. Dirty water enters the tube in the bucket. Thus, the entire soil is cleared.

Lost water should be no more than 1/5 of the total in order not to disrupt the microclimate created in the aquarium. It is better to attach the indental water temperature. This is required to obtain the required number of trace elements. Do not forget to clean the filter itself with all its constituents.

Full cleaning aquarium is required several times a year. Topping the water and cleansing the inner surface of the glasses spend once a week. And remember: the smaller the amount of your aquarium, the more attention it will require.

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