How the beasts teach their cubs to hunt

How the beasts teach their cubs to hunt

No matter what an animal in front of us is a cheetah, a wolf, a turntage or a bear - its most important feature is the continuation of the kind and and the upbringing of kids. Predators are definitely necessary to teach the young of the art of hunting to all nuances. Education methods may seem somewhat rigid and not completely understandable to us. But a numerous population of one or another species crosses all doubts about the correctness of animal survival strategy.

How chepades teach your cubs to hunt: Eat if you catch

These representatives of the Feline family are accustomed to using rather radical learning methods. The female does not kill prey, but only wounds it in order to relax as much as possible. By bringing the animal to his children, she lets him. Hungry kids are trying to catch the sacrifice. And if it fails, they remain hungry. And next time there will be even more aggressive and persistent. Hard, but efficiently.

How wolves teach their cubs to hunt: everything starts with a mouse

Wolf for children who have not yet turned around, with hunting brings small prey. First, this is a live mouse, then a small horselik. A small, but instructive toy for small predators.
When the Volctera is already enough, they take their hunt. But not yet as active participants, but as observers. Young man has the opportunity to learn from experienced adults to track mining, chase and attacks. Gradually, the Volctera seize all the intricacies of hunting and turn into real predators. Now they are already teachers and role examples for offspring.

How the meerkats teach your cub to hunt: hunt together

When parents notice that the children have already argued, they take them on hunting. First, like wolves, training takes place in the form of a kind of excursion. Adults catch prey and she passed her to descendants. It takes a little time and children give another insect, and then rodent or chick. The extraction of meerkats often cannot cause such significant harm to the kids as, for example, victims of wolves or cheetahs. Therefore, the main learning process passes directly on the hunt side by side with parents. Then the skills that the meerkat will be used throughout life.

How to teleny teach your cubs to hunt

Seals are thrown on the arbitrary of fate of children in the first days of their lives. Of course, the kids have a thick layer of fat that protects from the cold and helps withstand cold. Some moms care about the offspring a little longer. But they will sooner or later go hunting and leave the child. For young seal very quickly comes the most difficult stage in life. But thanks to strong innate instincts, he will be able to learn to hunt alone.

Training methods of hunting are largely different from different species. But there is a good shared feature: every predator wants his descendant to survive and continue the genus.

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