How to grow quail

How to grow quail

Quail is gentle and delicious meat. And quail eggs are a dietary product that can be used by everything from mala to great, even allergies and people after severe diseases. Contain quails - not more difficult than any other poultry. And in small quantities you can keep even in the conditions of the apartment.

Preparing the room. For the content of quails, it is necessary warm, dry room, with good ventilation, but without drafts. The optimal temperature of the content of quails is 20-22 degrees. Permissible oscillations of 16-25 degrees. Quail do not like bright light, so the cells are not positioned opposite the windows. But at the same time, the luminous day should be 16-17 hours (with additional lighting), if the lighting is less than 12 hours - it affects the egg laying. In such a room there are cells: it is possible in one row, and you can make racks and place in several "floors".

Choose a cage. The view and size of the cells for the content of quail depend on the number of birds and the method of cell placement. They can be made by themselves or buy finished quailing.

Incubator. When diluted quails is the necessary thing, as they, in contrast to the chicken, the eggs themselves are not surrounding. It can also be bought, but you can do it yourself. It is immediately necessary to take care of an additional source of electricity, especially if you often have voltage drops or turn off the light.

Starting to breed quail is best with the purchase of adult birds. But if you decide to start with the purchase of eggs, it is necessary to take into account that the eggs from the store will not fit, they are not fertilized. When transporting the internal structure of eggs is broken, and this leads to a decrease in the percentage of brood: the more distance, the less percentage. If you decide to buy finished chicks, then you must be prepared premises for content, cells, food, drinkers, etc.

The incubation period is 17 days, the withdrawal of quail occurs actively and ends in 4-6 hours, although individual quail from the same batch can hatch and 1-2 days after the main output. This is a deviation from the norm. Taken overfeeds weigh 6-8 g, covered with brown fluff with light longitudinal stripes on the back, they are very active.

Healthy quails contain in plywood or cardboard boxes - bruders, their size depends on the number of chicks. They should be clean, the bottom is covered with paper, which changes as contamination, and a grid of 5 by 10 mm. The grid prevents the phenomenon of "twine" in chicks - serves as an emphasis and does not give the legs to touch the sides. Lighting should be around the clock for continuous feeding. Over the boxes there are several incandescent bulbs, they serve both for lighting and for warming up young.

It is very important to maintain a stable temperature within 20-22 degrees, otherwise the chicks will die. From the first hours of life, the rest is capable of feeding on their own. Since they grow and develop very quickly, they feed them are required with a high content of protein, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is best to feed the special feed from the first days. For two months, the chick increases its mass 20 times and practically reaches the size of an adult bird.

When the content of quails in order to obtain food eggs, cells up to 20 cm high are usually used. The bottom area depends on the amount of quail placed in the cell and is selected at the rate of 180-200 kV. see one head. If you need dietary dietary eggs (i.e. neopopropotable), then in the cell you can keep some chickens. Something they will be the same as with a rooster.

For feeding, feeders are used in the form of a gutter attached outside, or automated (for dry feed). The main component of the feed - crushed corn and percentage 15 All types of grain with small or crushed grain, egg feed, greens. Feed is being added systematically as editing.

Water should be present constantly, if the drinkers are automated, then the water in them changes at least 1 time in 4-5 days, the drinkers are thoroughly clean. Periodically in the cells it is necessary to put a bowl with sand, there are battered.

Thus, the cultivation of quail is not much difficult, especially in small quantities. The main thing is to determine what purpose you divor them: eggs, meat, chicks. And, deciding, prepare all the necessary devices, and you can safely take into account.

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