How to care for a hamster

How to care for a hamster

Caring for hamsters should be special and careful so that the existence of animals in one room deliver as few unpleasant moments as possible.

In no case do not post the animal in a cardboard or plastic box. First, hamster by nature of his rodent, so he will gnaw the corners, which sooner or later will bring to run a pet from his house through the self-made click. Secondly, such materials usually missed light and oxygen. To habit, the hamster is suitable aquarium, but the cell remains the best option. The bottom area should be at least 60 * 40cm. The cell with horizontal bars will have a hamster in the shower, so the animal will be easier to move along its walls.

As for additional attributes, here you can give fantasy will. Consider that hamsters need to move a lot, the famous wheel simulator will be very by the way. The rodent teeth are constantly growing like human nails, so a piece of wood in a cage or aquarium will never be superfluous. By purchasing a decorative house or a nest, consider that as a filler it is worth using sawdust or hay, so that during sleep or a sense of danger, the pet could go out and hide under the filler.

Power would like to pay special attention, in this case there are its special subtleties. Hamster It is important to be sure that food reserves will always be enough. No need to wait until the feeder devoids, regularly replenish it with fresh food. Otherwise, the hamster will begin to make reserves, will drag the grains to his house, hide under sawdust. First, it is not economical, because he will not have time to eat them until the time to change the filler, and secondly, it will have to change it now more often, because such manipulations of the hamster will lead to a speedy contamination of the habitat and the appearance of an unpleasant odor . Water should be changed every day, and to pour him the same thing that they drink themselves. That is, not from under the tap, but filtered or boiled.

Hamster nutrition special. Dry food must necessarily contain both granules and grains. In addition, treat pets with fruit and vegetables: the more often, the better - but try to avoid citrus. 2-3 times a week you can pamper the animal with low-fat cottage cheese, unsalted chicken fillet or even baby food. Any kind of seasonings and starch products are categorically prohibited.

Cell cleaning is a complete change of filler and rinsing a cell or aquarium with a special detergent. Do not allow a large variety of moisture after washing and carefully wipe the bottom and walls with dry napkins before pouring new sawdust.

Permanent stay in the cage tires, so periodically release pets outward. Carefully follow the movements of the animal of the room, as entertainment, build a band of obstacles from any submitted items. Alternatively, use a special plastic ball for hamsters, in which the animal will be able to move quietly around the apartment.

So that the pet has not experienced stress, provide him with minimal contact with other animals, staying in a quiet corner away from bright light sources and radio engineering. Also do not abuse with bathing, and if you resort to this procedure, it is only in the case of severely contamination of the fur coat, and make sure that the water does not get into ears and eyes.

Love your pet, pay a lot of attention to him, and then he will delight you as long as possible.

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