How to hook a man

How to hook a man

Probably there is no such woman who would be indifferent to admiring male look. The attention of the opposite sex helps to feel welcome and raises our self-esteem. If a man not only looks at you, but also trying to meet, then it is perceived as a victory. To always win, you need to know how to properly hook a man.

How to hook a man - an attractive appearance

This moment is an Very important, you should not neglect them. No matter how men insisted that the appearance is not so important for them, male psychology is talking about the opposite. When a man sees a girl, what is he thinking about? It is hardly interested in your favorite architectural style or your favorite writer. The first impression is the appearance. The first thing a man looks at his feet and chest stranger.

Proper wardrobe

Men attract things emphasizing the figure. Throw away baggy, shapeless things from your wardrobe. More often dress Jeans, blouses, skirts that will hide the shortcomings and emphasize the dignity. To attract a man irresistible appearance, do not use too vulgar and frank outfits. Yes, attention to you will turn, but the impression will not be the most positive.

Well-groomed hair

All male representatives admire long, well-groomed hair. In no case do not be angry "like a boy." Long hair needed thorough care. Unclean and dirty cosma will not charm anyone.


You even in the store can't go not painted? An attractive female image should exclude a large amount of cosmetics used and vulgarity. Men intuitively choose natural and modesty. Before using cosmetics, think about how minimum Its use to emphasize all your advantages.

How to hook a man - compliments

Men, in spite of Foreign inaccessibility, very loyal and responsive to various gentlemen, compliments and tender words. To attract the attention of men, mark all the positive qualities that he possesses. Not exaggerate With compliments, watch the man melts on your eyes. If he has a car - mark how well he drives it.

How to hook a man - male opinion-law

This rule must be discussed unconditionally until you are irrevocably and finally hooked a man. It is on the first date that you must give a man to understand that his opinion for you is the most correct and important. Make it can be done differently: Support his point of view in a conversation or trust him with the choice of dishes and drinks in the restaurant. Definite necessary determine common Topics of conversation and raise the opinion of a man most natural way.

How to hook a man - determine the separator's type

Note, all People sewn can be divided into 3 types of personalities:

  • Visales. They love their eyes.
  • Kinestics. Adjust tactile contacts, quickly and easily overcome the personal space of the interlocutor. All Required information is obtained through touch.
  • Audials. Adore to talk.

What type of people belong Your man can be very fast and just. For this suitable The simplest test. Ask for a man to describe some subject. Kinestik will begin to describe forms and options, visual hooked the color palette, and audial Just confused. Audio You can conquer just a pleasant voice.

How to hook a man - ask for advice

The most wintable option, how to hook a man, is a request to deal with the gadget that for some reason does not send SMS or not Enters the Internet. All guys love the technique, so I will agree with joy thug your device And dig in its settings. Even if you understand your phone perfectly, do not let you verbal and physical rapprochement.

You must understand that it's a very simple stage, after which the vehicle court comes. You will need to send all your strength on keeping interest in you, as well as to warm up feelings. If You will not do this, then all your relationship will end after the first joint night.

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