How to make a man think about you

How to make a man think about you

Have a little possess beautiful appearance and figure to settle mine image v head and heart selected forever and ever. Our article will open the curtain of seduction and will tell about all the secrets of conquering a man!

How to make a man think about you - appearance

Meet the clothes, and they escort ... With what glance and feelings are your favorite man, depends completely from you, dear girls and women! Men love their eyes and this is a fact, they only begin to be interested in your life, character, hobbies. Unfortunately, in the modern world, many girls forget that they are girls - constantly wear jeans, trico, tracksuits, sneakers. Of course, this clothing is very convenient and comfortable, but to attract a man and create a mystery in the image it will not be able to. How to fix the situation?

  • Wear dresses, tight skirts, sundresses, tunics, spectacular blouses and shirts. Complete the image with heels and delicate accessories. But know the measure - avoid the length of the mini and causing top. A man should think about your image and dream.
  • Do not forget about the magic of color - mostly attract bright and causing colors. Agree, the image of the gray mouse is unlikely to please someone? The bright color is associated with life, an interesting person, stunning energy, and of course, immediately attracts attention.

A survey of men of different age categories confirmed - if you are able to "shorting" to your opinion, you will appear in his thoughts. But this is not enough to stay in his head forever - we continue to study the psychology of strong sex further.

How to make a man think about you - walking panthers

If you go to a beautiful dress and on heels, but at the same time with an extinct look and hacking around - your chosen one will immediately forget about you! Men love women confident, with a graceful gait Panther and with a smile on her face. Show all your species that you are happy, beautiful and proud of yourself! But, again, in everything you need to know the measure. At the same time, be cute, friendly, mysterious and friendly. Try each your movement to portray the personification of "femininity" and "firmness", men love the true women.

How to make a man think about you - Proper Communication

Communication with the beloved should be easy, relaxed and free. In the initial pores, in no case "ship" their problems in any way, but, on the contrary, listen to him, advise and comfort, but in no case vice versa. The man should create the opinion that you can relax in a simple relaxed conversation to you, and you always listen to him and understand.

How to make a man think about you - a charging smell

About the smell of a beloved woman are francmed legends, write songs and poems. The magical power of various fragrances is an integral element with the seduction of a man. In no case remain indifferent to this fragile strength. Cool and freshness that give soap and water, of course need, but a thin, passionate and fantasy of the smell of perfume will never be superfluous. What odds like men most?

  • Spicy, sweet, with nutmeg glimpses and wood notes.
  • Perfumes created on the basis of citrus.
  • Gentle floral odors - ylang-ylang, lily, orchid, jasmine.
  • In the eastern countries, girls make a love elixir - perfume from Bergamot, patchouli leaves and cinnamon.

Find your fragrance that will attract, disclose you and awaken the passion and attraction from the male.

How to make a man think about you - cunning techniques

The more the man will think about you, the more he will fall in love with you. To finally strengthen the above techniques - use several psychological tricks. Thanks to our cunning tips, a man will think about you in the afternoon and at night.

  • Intrigue is the oldest and effective method. Catch a man - a sudden removal from a date, do not respond (temporarily) for calls and sms, cool and lose interest in it, carefully smell with another.
  • The riddle - many girls allow a huge mistake in relationships, as soon as a man appears in their lives, they completely give him all of themselves, revealing 100%. Of course, before my husband you need to be yourself. But at the very beginning of the relationship of this in no case should you do! If you are in the course of 3-5 dates tell the chosenness of your life in colors and details, it will be simply not interested in communicating with you. And for what? He already knows about you. What to do? Answake in a man's interest to non-resentment, give him information portion. With his personal matters, linger or translate the topic.

Correspondence - remind a man about yourself before bedtime, sending your photo and wish good night. As far as it is frank, to solve you.

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