How to get rid of snails in aquarium

How to get rid of snails in aquarium

Fans of aquarium fish have different attitudes to the snails living in the aquariums. Snails benefit - clean the glass of the glass house of thicket and eat leftovers on the bottom. But they multiply rapidly and flood the entire space of the tank, eating plants. Gastropods annoy you? We'll show you how to get rid of them.

Get rid of snails in the aquarium - chemicals

Destruction of chemistry dangerous to aquarium snails microclimate. Before disinfecting resettled fish in an aquarium or other large glass container. This method is used in the last resort, if all else fails. Buy the drug at a pet store. Read the instructions and proceed as written in it. The drug does not kill the eggs and shellfish can be toxic to fish. A relatively safe means of:

  • Limnacid. The liquid will destroy all the pests in aquariums. During use, remove from the aquarium absorbent material and add a third of the flow of fresh water;
  • Sera Snailpur. Poured into water, the third part of its change after two hours. Be sure to resettle fish, if they are left - look for their health. Ingestion of air from the atmosphere fish indicates drug overdose.

Get rid of snails in the aquarium - the trap

Do yourself a trap for the pesky snails:

  • cabbage leaf scald boiling water and put on a plate. Put the plate on the bottom of a glass house for the night. You'll see in the morning that the entire sheet is covered with snails. Removing the plate and throw clams. Do regular procedure;
  • make a hole in the bottom of a plastic bottle. Put in a bottle of finely chopped vegetables and set to the bottom. In the morning there will be a lot of snails. Fish will not penetrate into the trap;

Buy a special trap for Snail Snail Collect, if there is no desire to do something yourself. It works like a mousetrap and fish harm will not bring. Inside the fixture on the metal axis hangs food for mollusks, and the input is covered with the barrier. The entrance opens only in one direction. Snail crashes on the smell of feed in a trap and the entrance closes. The grid does not allow fish trap.

Get rid of snails in aquarium - bait

Pests love vegetables - carrots, cucumber or salad. Banana skin is suitable. Place a bait on the bottom of the aquarium and turn on bright lighting. Follow the behavior of mollusks. See that there are many of them - take them out and throw out with snails. Repeat the procedure every two days and the amount of pests will decrease.

Get rid of snails in the aquarium - other methods

Use other efficient ways:

  • calm hands. Clean the hands of all the snails falling on your eyes during the washing of aquarium. Remove the entire caviar, boil the soil and wash the glass house with chlorine lime. Then we rinse a couple of times with clean water, wipe the napkin and leave dry. It is long and tedious, but very effective;
  • eating snails by fish. Some fish eat annoyless clams. Get a couple of predatory fish. For example, Tetradon Yellow loves to eat bunucheal. But this insatiable fish can after eating all mollusks to bite fins from other residents of the aquarium;
  • battery. Sach fish, and other useful inhabitants. Take the battery at 12 V and two copper wiring. On one side of the wire connect to the battery. On the other hand, they carefully cleaned them and lower them into the aquarium. The resulting current will pass through the water and the bunthogue will die after 2-3 minutes. Do not use the battery longer, otherwise the plants will die. You will need to collect the dead calf pests hands, otherwise they decompose in water.

Snails caviar is on plants that buy in the store and put in an aquarium. Of them come out adults. Submit new algae quarantined, and you do not have to deal with the destruction of snails. Take care of the right aquarium pests and never zavedutsya.

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