How to bring rust from clothes

How to bring rust from clothes

Sometimes the stains appear by themselves, as if nowhere, bringing deep disappointment. This is especially true of rust, which can be stained in any public place and even at home. The question arises: how to get rid of rust on clothes? It is especially noticeable on bright fabric, and the tools are needed, which will not spoil it.

Well brings rust with white clothes natural acid. This is lemon or lime juice. Cut off a small piece of fruit, wrap it into a white clean fabric - preferably gauze, apply to the stain and put a hot iron on it. Keep it you need two minutes. Then you should wipe the treated clothing with a good powder in warm water. If the stain was poorly removed, you can simply squeeze the lemon juice or lime on the spot, cover the gauze and disappear again. Even on dense tissue, the stain from rust in this way is exceeded.

If there is no lime or lemon, then lemon acid will help, the amount of which one hundred grams of water should be 20 grams. We divorce and heated so that the crystals are evenly dissolved. Clothes with a stain dip in a solution, preheated to 80 degrees. Leave so minutes for 20-25. Then wash in warm water. The procedure can be repeated if it was immediately failed to completely get rid of the stains.

Salt is also an effective tool with which you can get rid of a rusty spot. The most important thing is to take such a container, the surface of which is not susceptible to oxidation. Mix in equal shares of salt and citric acid, the mixture should resemble a cleaner. I smell it on a stain from rust and leave for half an hour. If the track from rust is quite old, the mixture can be held longer. The next stage is washing. It is possible in the typewriter (if the machine washing this thing is allowed). The procedure can be repeated several times until the spots are completely disappeared.

In old books with recipes, it is proposed to remove such stains with a tooth powder or a paste, which is applied to the spot, thoroughly rub in it. Leave clothes for half an hour, and after a well wash and crawl.

All tips on the removal of rusty spots from clothing belong to light fabrics. The remaining things will have to either stretch in high-quality powder, or attribute to dry cleaning. Specialists probably know how to deal with rust on the tissues. This method is the most reliable.

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