How to water Tomatoes

How to water Tomatoes

How to grow delicious and useful tomatoes in your site - the dackets and people living in private homes are asked. For them, you just need to properly care: prevent diseases, fertilize and moisten. The correct watering, besides the simple moisturizing of the soil, ensures the flow of nutrients into the soil, and even prevents diseases.

Unlike other cultures, for example, cucumbers, tomatoes need dry air and wet earth. It is understood that the humidity of the air should be the smallest, i.e. Bushes can not be watered by the "sprinkle" method. Due to the fact that water drops will fall onto the sheets, tomatoes risk their phytoofluoro. So, the first rule of watering is only under the root. At the same time, make a jet of water to not blurry the land to the state that these very roots are found.

The second rule: watering tomatoes only with a good warm water. To do this, use a storage tank, water in which should be no lower than 20 degrees. Pour at least 5 liters for each bush. So that the moisture is not evaporated, after irrigating the land under the bushes. Arrange a five-meantimete litter of straw or compost. The mulch will prevent the Earth from drying out, which in turn will not give tomatoes to get the vertex rot. It is this disease that affects the bushes if the earth is very dry under them. To loosen the land after irrigation is not worthwhile - the roots of tomatoes are close to the surface, and they can be damaged.

How many times a week there are tomatoes - you decide for yourself for yourself. Depends on the ambient temperature and on the degree of previous humidification. But it is not worth pouring them every day - quite one or twice a week. A limited amount of irrigation is the third rule. If the tomatoes water are very often, the fruits will begin to crack and will be watery.


Since you have gathered to water tomatoes, then use watering and to feed the plants. To do this, in the cumulative tank with water, pour infusion from any grass or compost. On a 100 liter tank there are enough two buckets of infusion. Make such an infusion is very easy: fill in a large tank weeds, eliminated from beds, and fill them with water to the edge. Leave under a closed lid for a week, and then strain. Compost Just mix with water and strain. Such feeding is best done during flowering bushes and the subsequent binding of fruits.

Water tomatoes, like all other vegetables, are needed closer in the late afternoon, when the sun is not so active. During the night, water is well absorbed into the ground, and each bush will receive their portion of moisture. It is allowed to irrigate and early in the morning, but then do not forget about the mulch. In cloudy weather, you can water tomatoes at any time of the day.

Depending on the phase of the development of bushes, watering should be different. Just planted seedlings need watering every other day, and if spring is very hot, then daily. As the flowering and tying of fruits, watering should be more moderate - twice a week. During the ripening period of tomatoes - can be reduced to once a week.

If you gathered to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, do not fit them next to the cucumbers. The latter need high humidity, and they need to spray. Water condensate will definitely fall on tomatoes, and they will begin to root. In order for this not happened, the greenhouse needs to be divided by the inner partition to organize individual compartments for different cultures.

It may happen that even adhering to all rules of watering, tomatoes get sick. What in this case does to do - our article will tell "How to deal with tomato diseases".

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