How to deal with potato diseases

How to deal with potato diseases

The most common potato diseases are phytoofluorosis, alternariasis, silver, ring rot, black leg. Effective methods of treatment of the sowing product will help prevent damage to pests and bacterial causative agents.

Start the processing process of potatoes can be long before the landing. Remove potatoes from the cellar, conveniently set out in a spacious bright room and prepare the container to sort the seed potato. Forget about the pruning of problem areas of the sowing material - if the potato is damaged by phytoofluorosis, put it off. But in no case discard on fertilizers or in the garden, otherwise the dissemination of the disease cannot be avoided.

Photo number 2.

Alternaria is easy to prevent timely deep plowing soil. It is precisely the accumulation of pathogens provokes the spread of the disease to neighboring sites and striking tomato varieties. An effective method of eliminating fungus is a chemical treatment of fungicides. A spray plants are necessary with the growth of tops about 15-20 cm, the air temperature should be above 18 degrees and the humidity of stopping 80% barrier (that is, before the rain).


Effective wrestling of the paired silver lies in the following actions:

  • select to land exclusively healthy planting material;
  • processing the landing tubers with 80% polycarbocine solution, 35% nitrafena solution;
  • buy to land the most resistant variety diseases;
  • use more often green bait (alfalfa, clover, lupine, soy);
  • regular moistening of the soil until the growth of plant growth is achieved.

Silver past


The annular rotes gained wide popularization in the country's cottage sections. There are no special methods of struggle, however, you can prevent or eradicate the likelihood of a disease using a thorough check of landing potatoes. To the landing, allow a healthy family. Before immersion in the ground, thoroughly wash the sowing material, but carefully, without damaging sprouts. Before landing into the soil, the potatoes must definitely stand out for several weeks warm and after falling into the ground. After harvesting, do not leave the tops on the garden, and remove it into a safe place and burn. The spread of the disease will not remain the slightest chance.

Ring Gnil

The black leg is characteristic of completely painful and unclean sites. Potato seeds must be prepared in advance and carefully review the presence of infectious copies. Be sure to extend the planting tubers with a chemical solution of TMTD - 4-5 kg \u200b\u200b/ t. Change planting crops. The best predecessors and followers - beets, perennial herbs, wheat, legumes. The collected crop of potatoes before moving to the cellar thoroughly dry and leave for several hours under ultraviolet solar rays, but not in hot weather.


Previously before processing tubers you need to germinate and ride. Just immediately before planting spraying seed potatoes of fungicides (by any drugs destroying fungus), that is, block the spread of the disease, prevent the formation of fungal lesion. It is impossible to "bathe" potatoes in solution. If you do not have a biased opinion about changing the soil, then a very good prevention will be the change of planting material every 2-3 years.

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Taking advantage of pretty simple and not costly way, you can effectively protect your harvest from painful pathogens. Be careful when sorting tubers and prevent the infected seed entering a shared planting material.



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