How to deal with phytoofluoro

How to deal with phytoofluoro

The phytoofer is a common disease, the causative agent of which is fungus. Most often he amazes the culture of the family of Parenic: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers. Also, strawberry, Kleshiv and buckwheat suffers from this disease. The phytoofer is able to destroy the entire harvest, it was she who was the cause of "potato hunger" in Ireland. How to prevent the occurrence of the disease? How to get out of the fight the winner, keeping the harvest? Let's deal with.

As for most diseases, the best way to combat phytoofluoroa is prevention:

  1. Stick the seedling schemes, do not allow the jungle in the garden.
  2. Observe the rules of the crop rotation.
  3. Choose stable varieties or superrand, harvest from which you will collect before the onset of favorable weather for the development of phytoophulas.
  4. Do not extract seedlings, and also hold feeders in a timely manner. Weak cultures, like people, more susceptible to disease. A good result is given to various growth stimulants, which also strengthen the plants and increase their immunity.
  5. Out of time, damaged and lower leaves in time.
  6. Do not water the plants into a cloudy and raw weather. Better braid soil and cover mulch.
  7. Conduct preventive treatment of sowing material and seedlings of fungicides.

Formation of a bush of tomatoes (5)

The risk of phytoophulas is highest under the following conditions: a big difference between day and night temperatures, abundant dew dropping out, rains go more than two days in a row. Another bearing for you can be the presence of mushrooms in the forest. Appeared - proceed to additional measures of prevention:

  • To protect against fogs and plenty of dew drops, cover plants at night by agrofluoride.
  • Immediately after drying the leaves, spend spraying with a copper-containing agent ("Copper Caporos", Bordeaux mixture, "Kuroskat", "Oxychich") or a microbiological preparation ("Phytosporin-M", "Alin-B", "Gamair"). Well coped with the prevention of the disease and infusions created by popular recipes.

At the first signs of the disease, remove all damaged leaves, blooms and fruits. Also conquer young steps and treat plants with special solutions.

The most effective chemical preparations for the fight against phytoophluorosis include "Ridomil Gold MC", "Profit Gold", "Quadris" and "Tanos". Also do not lose their relevance and mixtures based on copper. It should be borne in mind that with the constant use of the same means, the causative agent phytoophulas produces resistance to it, and the systemic use of copper-containing drugs can lead to soil poisoning. Therefore, it is recommended to simmer them. Also remember that vegetables can be eaten at least 14 days after spraying. Based on this, before processing, all the passing fruits should be thorough and leave to dive out of beds.

Folk Recipes Fitofluoro Fight:

  • 100 grams of chopped garlic pour the glass of water and insist the day. Then strain, dig 10 liters of water and add warranny so that the water becomes slightly pink. Spend spraying every 10-12 days.
  • In 10 liters of water, add 1 liter of milk and 15 drops of iodine. Use the solution every 2 weeks.
  • Fill 1 kg of chopped fresh leaves and nettle stems 5 liters of water. Bring the mixture to boil, and then strain. In the resulting concentrate, add 15 liters of water. Treat plants and soil around them at least 3 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

Spores phytophors are experiencing winter in fruits, leaves and stems. Therefore, carefully remove the beds in the fall and in no case are not throwing patients with plants and vegetables into a compost pit.

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