How often watered cucumbers

How often watered cucumbers

To get a good crop of cucumbers, you need to carefully care for them. The most important point is watering, since this vegetable culture is 95% consisting of water. It is timely watering this very water and provides a good growth and fruiting cucumbers.

How often watered cucumbers - pre-landing of vegetable culture

In order to be in the future to water, cucumbers first need to put it right.

  • Although in the greenhouse, even in the open ground, the rows must be placed from the south to the north. This location will not give the cucumbers to burn in the sun.
  • Grokes are better planning in a half sense, so that in the midday, the cucumbers did not suffer from the scorching rays of the sun.
  • The earth for cucumbers is only very fertile. Best of all the beds do from the recoverable compost and cow manure.

How often watered cucumbers in the open ground

The cucumbers love water very much, so they even react remarkably on daily watering. It needs to be carried out or early in the morning, or late in the evening. At this time, the sun also no longer so active - the earth will remain wet longer. At the same time, the cucumbers should be water and under the root, and on the leaves (method of sprinkling).

How often watered cucumbers in the greenhouse

In greenhouses and greenhouses, the Earth dries up much longer, so watering can be produced as the soil dried. In different climatic zones and at different ambient temperatures, the dacket can choose the soil moisture mode: 1 or 2 times a week. But sprinkling on the leaves is better to do every day or at least every other day.

How often watered cucumbers - useful tips

Cucumbers - the culture is not too capricious, but still some tips will help to collect a good harvest:

  • Since the cucumbers have a superficial root system, then watering is best done in long grooves. They must be placed at a distance of 7-10 cm from the plants stems.
  • After irrigation, the Ginochka needs to be inspired by beveled herb or humus.
  • The cucumbers love heat very much, so it is necessary to water them with water room temperature. To do this, you can put a large barrel on the plot and gain water into it, which will warm in the sun.
  • Cucumbers are subject to some diseases, so you need to follow this. With the slightest suspicion it is necessary to use special chemicals, but better to warn these diseases. An excellent helper will be the usual dairy serum that needs to be mixed with water and instead of spraying spraying the bushes with this liquid: 1 liter of serum is enough for 10 liters. This composition, if there was a lot of it, the cucumbers can be poured.

If the cucumbers watered not regularly, then they will certainly grow up. But the fruits will be very small on them, and the taste will get bitter.

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