Future crop of potatoes begins his birth in the spring - from March to early April. After long-term storage in the potato tubel in the cellar before landing "I'll be" by germination. If this is not done and put them in the usual form, then the period of the appearance of the first sprouts coincides with the brutal appetite of the Colorado Beetle. Therefore, before going to the garden of this pest, the potatoes must have time to grow. Now that the goal is clear, proceed to the preparation of tubers for the new crop. All operations with this product are performed in stages.
Get potatoes from cellar and inspect it for damage.
Then select healthy tubers and make them disinfection. This is performed by ten liters of a solution consisting of such components: Boric acid - 10 g, mangartee-2 g, zinc sulfate - 10 g, magnesium sulfate - 10 g, vitriol copper - 10 g, woodcut - 0.5 kg. Each of them is divorced separately, and then everything merges into the common dishes. The washed potatoes fall into this solution for half an hour. Then dried and stacked in boxes with rows, no more than three in each of them. Boxes need to be located near the windows - the seed potato need light. Now he will be germinated, and we still have to observe the speed of sprouts. The optimal temperature for this process is + 10-15 degrees. The length of the sprouts should reach 1.5 cm.
A week before the padding of tubers in the open soil, the boxes need to be released and set them out the bottom of the leather with a leakage polyethylene film. Then, in a bucket with water, you need to fall asleep opilk and moisten in this mixture sprouted tubers. Mocked potatoes should be returned to film boxes.
Then the entire container with our product is completely covered with wet colil and is drawn up in a stack that needs to be covered with a film to protect against drying out.
Four days, potatoes sprouts will be rooted. Spring potatoes will be ready for landing and will give friendly severe shoots.