How to collect tomato seeds

How to collect tomato seeds

Buying tomato seeds in specialized stores does not guarantee the germination of seeds and the correspondence of the variety name on the package. Not all seed manufacturers are conscientious of their manufacture and packing. It happens, empty bags come across or no seed germinates. From this situation there is a way out - collecting tomato seeds yourself. After all, every gardener - an amateur will say that a strong seedling will grow out of his seeds, and the plants bring a rich harvest. And, most importantly, you will be confident in the variety of tomato. And, if you consider the fact that the tomato is self-polishing and does not need to work on artificial pollination, the process of making seeds is much simplified. But, there is a fair question, how to collect tomato seeds? Consider all the steps in more detail.

In order to get high-quality seed material, you need to get a high-quality original seed material of the grade you want to increase.

When choosing, it is necessary to consider:

  • yield;
  • endurance to pests and diseases;
  • tomato ripening time;
  • cool resistance (in areas with a small summer period).

Therefore, the fruits for collecting seeds must be collected from strong, high-yielding bushes. They will get high quality.

Collection of ripe tomatoes should be made with periodicity of 3-4 days. You can disrupt not quite ripe fruits, but you need to give them the opportunity to ripen in a dry room. It is worth remembering that hybrid varieties for the preparation of seed material are not suitable. Fully tomatoes ripen in 50-60 days after pollination. If the air temperature is low, this period is delayed. Before cooking seeds, it is necessary to hold the final sorting of fruits, rejecting poor-quality (small, irregular shapes) tomatoes. The collection of material must be carried out in plastic buckets or polyethylene bags. Do not assemble in metal containers, to avoid oxidative reactions that can spoil the quality of the seeds.

We proceed directly to the seed collection. Ripe fruit cut in half and remove the seeds with the help of a spoon. Then lay them into the container, fill with water and leave for one or two days in a dark place (the process is called fermentation). The fermentation time depends on the ambient temperature. When a film and bubbles appear on the surface of the contents of the container, and the seeds will be at the bottom, the process is considered completed.

At the end of fermentation, the mass, located on top, is neatly drained and washed with clean water. After that, it is necessary to neatly drain the liquid with the remnants of garbage and empty seeds until complete cleaning. After that, the seeds are placed on a sheet of paper or newspaper. If some seeds merged, they must be separated. You can dry on the street in Sunny weather for 3 to 4 days. From time to time they need to mix to achieve the necessary humidity, approximately 6-8%.

After the final drying of the seeds, they must be packed in paper bags or cloth bags. On the package it is necessary to note the year of collecting seeds and the name of the variety. Keep the seeds are not available for light and a cool place with low air humidity.

Under all paragraphs of the instructions, you will receive a high-quality seed material with an excellent landing for landing on your homeland. Under the proper storage conditions, seeds can maintain their germination from 3 to 5 years. This guarantees the presence of seeds for several seasons of landing and will provide a rich yield of tomato. Good harvests!

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