How to arrange a garden on the window

How to arrange a garden on the window

The garden on the windowsill is not only vitamins at any time of the year, but also wonderful, and original interior decoration. But in order for vegetables and greens to grow harmoniously, and you did not make it difficult to care for them, it is necessary to thoroughly think about what and how to plant.

First of all, it is necessary to decide where you place your garden - it should be southern, well lit apart side. Spaces should be enough to place all plants. And they must be distributed in such a way that more tall lights are not blocked by lower neighbors, and you did not interfere with the garden.

Pots with holes

Decide exactly what you want to put on the windowsill, using the entire window of the window at different levels. It can be: cucumbers who do not need to pollinate insects, ampel cherry tomatoes, burning peppers, asparagus beans of original colors, various greens - salad, dill, parsley, basil, mint, laurel. The window sill itself must be strengthened, since the load on it will be significant.

Wooden boxes

Attach the decorative grille or arch along the wall, you can use cucumbers and curved sparky beans. On the one hand, they need a significant place for development, on the other, going through the lattice, they will receive a maximum of light, but they will not block it with other plants.

Black Eyed Peas

Also on the upper tier of the windows, you can attach a cass, in which to plant cherry cherry varieties. Having trimmed, bunches of ripe tomatoes will bring paints to your garden. Buying seeds or seedlings, check with sellers that are going to grow plants at home. That is, the varieties must be self-polished.

Another option to use the upper window of the window is cute metal buckets painted in different colors. They can plant various fragrant herbs, and the buckets themselves - hang on the clothespins to the stretched wire or fishing line. Only consolidate the load and weight that can withstand the fishing line, or its attachments.

Buckets on clothespins

In the windowsill, place beautiful ornamental pots with herbs and greens. Onions and cresses are growing rapidly, they constantly need to be updated and hurried. Among the pots can accommodate porcelain figures of birds and animals. In the ground stick the needles with God's cows and butterflies.

Beautiful pots

Even simple wooden boxes with greens or holes will look original. A bright addition will look at the village of Lavra, burning pepper, a young citrus tree. In the pots-sections put radishes and carrots.

Burning pepper trim

Bright paints on the window and vitamins will raise you mood at any time of the year. The garden on the windowsill can be an excellent alternative to homemade greenhouses - instead of colors grow vegetables and greens. Rejoice closely with delicious dishes with fresh fragrant herbs and fresh vegetables.

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