How to get rid of food moth

How to get rid of food moth

Any housewife has come across problems associated with the appearance of food moth in the kitchen. This is a reason for concern. Mole damages food and quickly multiplies. After infection, products are made unsuitable for use. The correct approach will help get rid of the "unwanted guest".

Signs of the appearance of moths in the home are noticeable immediately: small brownish butterflies flute around the apartment, cocoons in the cereals and flour, unpleasant caterpillars crawl in kitchen cabinets. All this indicates the appearance of food moth. To end the pest, you need to know the biological peculiarities of the insect and be aware of the varieties of new anti-follicic drugs. Remember, the destruction of butterflies will not bring the expected result. The main part of the parasites (larvae) continue to actively function.

The development of moth has several stages, so you need to get rid of parasites at all stages (butterflies, larvae, eggs). The appearance of the pest is not connected with the time of the year. This means that it is necessary to deal with it immediately after detection. First cost end with larvae. It is at this stage that a significant damage is applied. Restore reserves. This applies to all the names of the croup, especially those in the apartment for a long time, flour, animal feed, dried fruits, sweets, etc. The presence of small grayish lumps in containers, elbow grains of cereals with a gray spraying - indicate infection. It is not difficult to destroy the mole in the croups, for this, they do 2 hours in the oven or in a frying pan at temperatures above + 60 ° C. Or put for a week in the freezer at -10 ° C. If more than 25% of the substance is affected, it is getting rid of it.

Some think that the mole starts on polluted kitchens, but it is not. Pests appear even in chopped owners, and the reason serves from the outside the package with favorite moth products. Once in the kitchen, "unborn guest" feels at home. Instantly multiplies, eggs turn into voracious larvae and soon become butterflies. Therefore, the next stage is the destruction of butterflies moths and disinfection of the kitchen. This requires: soap water, vinegar solution, essential oils (lavender, lemon, eucalyptus), brush for cleaning or sponge.

Operating procedure:

  1. Remove all containers from the shelves. Cabinets should be empty.
  2. Predict them, trying to clean the most inaccurate corners.
  3. Wash the shelves and the walls of the cabinets.
  4. Throw off boiling water or sterilize containers.
  5. Dry.
  6. All items in which the affected products can remain, remove from the room.
  7. Treat all vessels with vinegar. Before processing, add a couple of droplets of essential oil into a container with vinegar. It will strengthen the effect.
  8. In addition, it is possible to destroy the butterflies of food moth with adhesive tapes or sticky traps.

Quick Results are achieved using special chemicals To combat pests. They are divided into substances that destroy insects - insecticides, and preparations having a plant basis - repellents that prevent the emergence of potential parasites.

  1. Aerosols are the most convenient form of packaging for means of destroying pests. Are in demand - Raptor, Antimol, Arch, Combat. They are used from the butterflies and larvae of the pest. Applied to the surface of furniture, carpets, walls. The validity of the drugs to six months or to washing off the surface or washing.
  2. Preparations - repellents are distilled off insects, not letting the eggs. Typically produced in the form of tablets, plates, briquettes.

Folk Methods. Mol overcome possible using available tools used by many generations:

  • Garlic. The container rests chive.
  • Bay leafit fits to the products or glued inside the table or cabinet .
  • Lavender. Spread out through the kitchen dried flower bouquets. So that the plant is not crumbled, put in bags of gauze.
  • Scare pest flavor pine oil, geranium, rosemary, tansy.

Prevent the appearance of moths in the products help sealable containers. If correctly apply preventive means your home will remain inaccessible for food moths.

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