Flour bugs how to get rid of

Flour bugs how to get rid of

Even the smartest mistress is not insured against the fact that uninvited neighbors can settle in the cuisine in bulk products - small flour bugs. These are small insects, no more than 4 mm. Bugs are small, but harm from them is great: one pest in 2-3 weeks is able to form a huge colony of himself like that will turn your cereal reserves into unsuitable food. Are there ways to get rid of their provisions from flour bugs? You will find out by reading our article.

Initially, the main habitat of the torchheads is barns, elevators, containers with flour. In the apartment they fall a "pleasant" invisible eye supplement - in the form of larvae to your purchase a bag with a cereal or flour. Impact yourself non-crushed guests may be due to long or improper storage of bulk stocks.

As soon as you noticed in the cereal of bugs, immediately check all grocers and packages from under spices, flour, tea, coffee, pasta, dried fruits, crackers, medicinal herbs and seed material. All products in which you will find muchnikov - throw away, the rest (in your opinion clean) - place a couple of days in the freezer for the destruction of the larvae and the prevention of the appearance of a new offspring.

If the infection of loose products with flour bugs are single - they can be attempting to "save" to use. Squake your reserves through the sieve and roll them into the oven. Thus processed products will need to eat as quickly as possible.

Perform an unscheduled disinfection of all surfaces of kitchen cabinets. It can be done with a conventional soap or soda solution, and if the material is allowed from which furniture - vinegar or chlorine-containing means. After cleaning, lay down the corners of the cabinets laurel leaves, pieces of lemon, nutmeg, lavender.

Capacities (must be with "breathable" covers), which are intended for storing bulk products, wash several times with soap solution, hide with boiling water and thoroughly dry. Falling into them an unreleased croup, put inside any of those unloved by a flour bug of products:

  • pure crude head of garlic;
  • cushion of mint chewing;
  • bay leaf;
  • orange or lemon zest.

If you have chosen linen bags and flour to store your cereals and flour, the flour bug can easily sprinkle and settle in your reserves. Make the bags in impregnable for a small voracious pest: treat them with a strong solution from the cook salt - it complies them and give the scaping flavor. In the cereal, baked bags, also add some salt.

In order for the pest left your kitchen, use the dried heads of the Dolmatsk or Caucasian chamomile - Pirethrum Powder. This tool can be bought in any pharmacy, it is absolutely harmless to humans and catastrophically unpleasant to flour bugs. The only drawback of Pyrethrum brevity action. Each new portion, fall asleep in the cabinets weekly.

Well established itself and poisoned bait. Mix equal parts of powdered sugar, boos and flour. Make small skirts and spread on the surface of the cabinets. The means is effective, but requiring a long expectation of the effect of the effect.

So that the flour bugs are not settled in your kitchen, follow the proven tips:

  • When buying croup and flour, pay attention to the date of their production, indicated on the package, appearance and odor (if the goods are not packetized).
  • Do not purchase products "Pro Stock". In a long lying provisioning over time, not only flour bugs are broken, and other malicious insects.
  • Be sure to ventilate the kitchen, maintain the temperature mode. Muckers do not wear low temperatures and adore high humidity.

Take note that in those reserves in which flour bugs were found, there is no longer any nutritional value - it is impossible to use them. Insects and their larvae in the process of their livelihoods are left in products harmful substances (skins after molting, feces), which can cause a serious allergic reaction or poisoning.

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