How to get rid of the OS in the country

How to get rid of the OS in the country

The wasps in the country house - the phenomenon is an unpleasant and very dangerous phenomenon. It turns out that they are not so easy to destroy them, naked enthusiasm will not enough. It is important to know the right and effective methods of struggle with a striped enemy.

The most effective way is to destroy the source, that is, an osine nest. Carefully and carefully examine the house, the attic, economic buildings, even the street bathroom on the subject of insects. Without proper preparation, I do not approach the find, the wasp delicately feel danger and can attack!

Relatively safe is considered to eliminate nest in winter or early spring. And in this, and at other times the year requires protective equipment: a tarpaulin (or from another coarse tissue) clothes, closed dense shoes, gloves, a beekeeper headdress or its likeness.

Modern funds against the OS are various chemicals. The most popular poisons "Aktellik", "Wespex Quick", "Moskitol - protection from OS", "Troapsil", "Combat Aerosol", "Raid Aerosol". The poison should be quickly sprayed onto the nest and around it, after which it is possible to remove. Insects will die within 2-3 days. You need to handle the nest at night, because at this time the wasps fly into the hive and it is possible to destroy the maximum number.

There are also absolutely free ways to deal with stabinating insects. Very carefully you need to wear a slot tight bag on the nest, remove the "house", tightly tie a bag. We lower the hive in a bucket with water for 5 minutes or we give gasoline and set fire. In place where the nest was located, the hydrogen peroxide was treated or a solution of manganese, to avoid re-settlement by uninvited guests. To destroy the dwelling of the earth OS, it is poured with a large amount of boiling water.

If the nest found failed or, perhaps you are afraid to touch it, you can significantly reduce the striped livestock in the country area. To do this, make a simple trap: cut the plastic bottle in half, pour honey or jam into the bottom, the top turn over and insert into the base with the delicacy. The wasps are happy with pleasure sweet, but they will not be able to get through the narrow neck. Such trap is advisable to place in several places and periodically change the filled bottles.

For those who love nature in all its manifestations and do not agree to ruin the OS, there will also be a way out. Pour any bait in the bowl and refer to the country away, for example, for the garden. Perhaps the wasps will want to move to a permanent residence closer to a tasty dinner and will build a new nest outside the site.

Getting Started with the Wasps, be careful and careful. In addition to protective clothing, arm the suprastine tablets, especially if prone to allergic reactions. Act quickly, confident, do not commit sharp movements. In the case of all precautions and rules for the fight against the OSM, dangerous neighbors will no longer bother.

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