How to get rid of the mouse pool

How to get rid of the mouse pool

The little pest capable of digring a huge network of inconspicuous underground tunnels and this impose an incredible damage to the plants, can settle on any plot. If you have noticed that your plantings die without visible signs of violation, most likely there worked the Mouse Waterfoot. You can get rid of this small rodent in several ways.

One of the main methods of combating mouse pool is considered the regular pack of the plot of spring and autumn. Lock the soil to a depth of up to 30 cm. You will significantly worsen the conditions for the life and reproduction of rodents, you can reduce the number of populations and prevent their appearance.

On the site, use a mixed landing of the main crops with those that the mouse is voleschka does not endure due to their specific sharp smell. It is garlic, wormwood, mint, emperor, black currant.

Near the mink decompose the cloves of garlic, twigs or leaves of elderberry, a chernery of medicinal, walnut. In the mink themselves, sketch the curtain heads, which stick to the pest skirt and complicate it.

Try the whole plot clean. Remove the remaining garbage on time so that it does not fit and did not attract rodents of easy prey.

Underground residents do not endure their concerns from unpleasant sharp sounds. Noise, shaking, roar and shaking soil make them leave their minks. Make a homemade mice repeller: insert on the plot of small poles, to which hang aluminum cans or plastic bottles, which will be thrown into the beat of the wind and scare rodents with their own noise.

Another of the humane methods of getting rid of the voles are considered to be filling their minks with water (preferably boiling water), tincture on a elderber or walnut (one kilogram of raw materials is poured with a bucket of water and withstands two weeks, after that it is used undiluted).

If all these methods are not effective for you, you can cook dangerous treats: take sugar and left lime in equal proportions, mix and scatter in all seats habitat. The death of the rodent occurs due to the allocation of a large amount of heat, due to the reaction of the gastric juice and lime.

You can destroy mice and prepare another delicious bait: roll small balls from mixed in equal amounts of the composition of plaster and flour with the addition of sunflower oil. Polevka gladly dismisses the smelling dish, which in the stomach quickly hardens, causing the death of rodent.

One of the methods of technical progress in the fight with the mouse pool is the use of an ultrasound repeller. It is painful in the perception of rodents the sound published by the device (which is not heard by a person), makes the unborn guests to leave the ravis. Such a means is highly efficient and leaves no mouse remains.


Use on the trap, cappos and bait. Such a mouse safari will significantly reduce the population of rodents, but to get rid of all the number of pools you can hardly succeed.

The use of chemical preparations and various swells can be attributed to the most extreme measures to combat mouse pools. Application on the open soil of some substances, gases, powders, suspensions, solutions, sticky masses - all this is dangerous not only for rodents, but also for people with pets.

Wheel Mouse - Photo

Remember that destroying rodents, acting at the same time not humane, we violate the environmental niche, so try to choose the methods of struggle such that the funkle mice searched for themselves another place to live themselves.

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Irina 19/05/2015 at 15:43.

I am also against the destruction of mice. In our basement there is an ultrasonic repeller, and reserves for several years remain integer.

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