How to bring mice from home

How to bring mice from home

Small and completely harmless at first sight of the creature are able to completely disrupt a relaxed stay in a private house. An annoying shit in the corners is a reason for concern. Talled wires  and furniture, as well as spoiled products - this is a serious problem. If you do not get rid of rodents on time, because to trouble nearby. Mice are a source of serious and deadly diseases.

Take the cat - this is the easiest way to get rid of "uninvited guests", but it does not always help. Modern homemade cats are terrible lazy and just refuse to catch mice. If there is an opportunity to make a conventional yard cat, and better two at once, then you can use this option.

Place the products, stuffed chemicals that are available in free sale. A special chemical powder is mixed in food and unfold in places where mice may be presumably hidden. The big disadvantage of this method is the fact that thermal detect is quite difficult, especially since rodents do not die immediately and can be closed under the "buzz" to the most unusual places from where they will simply do not get them.

Catch a trap for mice. There is a mass of all kinds of rodent traps. Starting from the most simple homemade and cheap living devices for catching rodents and ending with modern mousetrap traps that do not harm a small creature. That's just where to give them then? It remains to take advantage of a more brutal mousetrap.

Scare off the "electronic cat" of industrial production. The ultrasonic super-modern device for scaring rodents reliably and effectively eliminates the "non-crushed visitors" for a long time. The human ear does not perceive the sound signals of this species, and it is unnecessary to mice, and they are forced to leave the spaces havenes. We take into account the fact that the presence of a power supply to use the device is necessary in this option.

Dispay the peaks of dry reurenger in the deepening, where they can hide mouse or around the perimeter of the room, and especially in the penetration places of gray pests, it is more often the outside of the house. This environmentally friendly and folk method of fighting rodents used our grandmothers.

Throughout its history, people fight rodents. Vissal and ingenious creatures, quickly adapting to the methods of their extermination, cause humanity to invent more precipitated ways of getting rid of themselves.

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