How to assemble a log house

How to assemble a log house

The most important stage in the construction of the house from the tree is the installation of a church. An error made at this stage can entail the most deplorable consequences, and it will have to disassemble everything and start from the very beginning. Properly assembled logs will serve you for many decades, will provide you with environmentally friendly housing and will delight the eye with a natural tree color. For such work, basic carpentry skills, concentration and attentiveness will be required.

Building a log preceding the construction of the foundation. On the basics calculation of foundation and methods his fill We talked earlier. If the foundation is ready for you - you can safely be taken for assembling at home. Most often, log cabins are collected from a bar with dimensions of 100x150, 150x150 or 150x200 millimeters. The use of a finished bar when erecting the house allows to significantly reduce its construction time. This is determined by the lack of need to protest the gutter and pick up logs in diameter.

Special attention requires the choice of material. A bar designed to build a church must necessarily be a profile, that is, a deepening on one side and protruding groove on the other. When assembling the groove of one bar, it is fixed into the deepening of the other, forming the so-called castle that gives the whole structure strength and stability. The bar must be smooth, without bends and distortions that may appear when the storage of this material may appear. Due to the curvature of the groove, such bars you will not be able to put in the desired way, which will entail his uneven drying and violation of the geometry of the whole house.

For greater reliability of the finished design, general recommendations of specialists should be taken into account. To mount the lowest crown of the building, use the bars of a larger cross section. This is due to the fact that it is to the lower logs in the walls of the house there are the greatest load. Due to the constant pressure rendered on the log during their drying, when using thin bars, skew walls are possible.

For maximum thermal insulation, it is necessary to properly lay the corners of the structure. Corners in a wooden litter can be formed by several paths - with a wrote in two or one planes. Powered in two planes is more preferable, since it is less purified and provides a more reliable connection of the bars of one crown. I washed in one plane much easier, but requires additional insulation by third-party materials.

The fastening of the crown with each other can be performed with the help of nails or wooden "fingers", called bent. The use of the latter is a more preferred option, since it allows to achieve maximum reliability of the compounds. A copper must be made of absolutely dry wood to avoid shrinkage. It is best for their manufacture that solid wood wood is suitable, for example, oak. Steel nails are recommended to use 150-200 millimeters long. Score them should be in holes in a depth of 25-30 millimeters, the diameter of which should be a little more nail heap. This will avoid the formation of cracks in the walls of the cut during the shrinkage of wood.

Since the tree is prone to shrinkage, the junctions of the bars are necessarily subject to additional insulation. To do this, it is better to use a pass or a special insulation, for example, "escape" or yrsa. As the house buildings, you must check the horizontal of the crowns in terms of the level, and control the corner vertical using a plumb. After the installation is completed, the sticking remains of the packley are shut down between the bars. Wood shrinkage makes it impossible to mount the door or window boxes directly to the bars of the wall. To mount them, install a rack that provides a free displacement of the bars during their shrinkage along the box.

Only thoughtful and diligent work on the installation of a cut from a bar will achieve a decent result, which will rely for a long time to delight all residents at home with warmth and comfort of the atmosphere.

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