How to assemble a wardrobe

How to assemble a wardrobe

Recently, the wardrobes of the coupe are gaining more and more popularity, gradually displacing cabinet furniture from this market segment. And it is not surprising: such a closet can easily accommodate a huge number of different things, and due to the fact that the materials for its manufacture, overall dimensions and appearance we choose yourself, it will perfectly fit into the interior of any room. Custom furniture will cost you not very cheap, but you can save a little, collecting it yourself.

To independently install the cabinet, you will need a simple tool:

  • building level;
  • screwdriver and self-tapping screws;
  • drill;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw.

Before proceeding with the assembly, it is necessary to carefully calculate and design a wardrobe. Start by defining the location of its installation and removal of the desired size. After that, transfer all sizes on a sheet of paper. Display on the resulting scheme all the shuflands and shelves that will be inside the cabinet. Consider and write down their sizes - this data will be useful to you to order the chipboard plates and other necessary materials. At this stage, it is especially important to remember the fact that the width of the walls, gender and ceiling, if any in your design, should be greater than the remaining shelves on 8-12 centimeters - this clearance is necessary to install doors.

After you acquire all the necessary materials and components, you can safely start assembling. In the case of a plinth in the installation site of the cabinet - dismantle it. If your cabinet is case - start from floor mounting. Then, with the help of a roulette, a level and a marker, mark on the side walls and the inner partitions of the place of fastening the shelves and depurct them. Mock the walls and partitions, then use the shelves using furniture corners. Installation of shelves is recommended to start with the bottom, gradually moving up. Install the attachment of retractable shuflocks and the metal pipe for the hangers. Finish the construction of the roof mounting frame, to attach with the help of screws.

The final stage of the cabinet assembly is to install doors. To begin with, they should be prepared - to the side ends of the Fiberboard of the plate, which will be used as a door, secure the aluminum profile, and at the top and bottom to attach to it rollers. At the top and bottom of the cabinet, mounted guides. Special attention is paid to alignment if you attach this element of unevenly - doors will not open and you will have to redo everything from the start. After that, insert the top of the door into the upper guide, the bottom install so that the roller accurately hit the groove of the lower guide. Check how it opens and closes. The door movement should be smooth, it should not touch anything or open with effort. If everything is in order, go to the installation of the next door.

Assembling the cabinet - the occupation is not out of simple, but knowing the technology of these works, you can easily mount the wardrobe of your dreams.

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